Global cybercrime losses to exceed $1 trillion, says McAfee report


Global cybercrime losses to exceed $1 trillion, says McAfee report

McAfee released a new global report titled “The Hidden Costs of Cybercrime,” that focuses on the significant financial and unseen worldwide impacts of cybercrime. The report, in partnership with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), concludes that cybercrime costs the world economy more than $1 trillion, or just more than one percent of global GDP, which is up more than 50 percent from a 2018 study that put global losses at close to $600 billion.


The report, beyond the global figure, also explored the damage reported beyond financial losses, finding 92 percent of companies felt effects beyond monetary losses.


“The severity and frequency of cyberattacks on businesses continues to rise as techniques evolve, new technologies broaden the threat surface, and the nature of work expands into home and remote environments” said Steve Grobman, SVP and CTO at McAfee.


“While industry and government are aware of the financial and national security implications of cyber-attacks, unplanned downtime, the cost of investigating breaches and disruption to productivity represent less appreciated high impact costs. We need a greater understanding of the comprehensive impact of cyber risk and effective plans in place to respond and prevent cyber incidents given the 100s of billions of dollars of global financial impact.”


The report concludes with key ways for businesses to deal with cybercrime. These include uniform implementation of basic security measures, increased transparency by organizations and governments, standardization and coordination of cybersecurity requirements, providing cybersecurity awareness training for employees, and developing prevention and response plans.

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