CERT-IN - Indian Computer Emergency Response Team


CERT-IN - Indian Computer Emergency Response Team

CERT-In is a national nodal agency for responding to computer security incidents as and when they occur.   


Head of the organization –  Dr. Sanjay Bahl - Director General


As the national nodal agency for cybersecurity, CERT-In is responsible for coordinating the country’s response to cybersecurity incidents. This central role enables CERT-In to orchestrate a unified and efficient response to cyber threats and attacks.
CERT-In provides a range of services including incident response, vulnerability handling, risk assessment, and advisory dissemination. These services help organizations and individuals in identifying, mitigating, and recovering from cybersecurity threats.


Key Priorities : CERT-In issues guidelines, advisories, and standards for cybersecurity practices. These guidelines help organizations adopt robust security measures and comply with regulatory requirements, thereby strengthening the overall cybersecurity posture.


Website - www.cert-in.org.in

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