Jeff Bezos again brakes all the record to be the No.1


Jeff Bezos again brakes all the record to be the No.1


Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, is the richest person alive. And he is the first person in modern history to accumulate a fortune of over $100 billion. He spends his $150 billion fortune on real estate across the US, a $65 million Gulfstream Jet, and his space travel exploration company Blue Origin. Bezos also owns the Washington Post since 2013 which he has purchased for $250 million.


It has apparently stunned the Industry and Investors across the world after hearing the news on Jeff and his wife of 25 years, MacKenzie Bezos( 48 years Novelist) to get divorce and the estimated settlement amount to be as high as $68 billion and this will be the the most expensive U.S. divorce so far in the Universe too.


The statement says,

The visionary Jeff recently announced in Sept. 2018 that, the Bezos Day One Fund, a $2 billion pledge to help homeless families and create Montessori-inspired preschools in the U.S. Now, a question is on , which is quite obvious on how the Bezos divorce will affect Amazon.


Amazon's journey from tiny garage start-up to one of the most valuable companies in the world has paid off for investors, but shareholders. Jeff lists at the world's richest person, worth an estimated $136.2 billion. A million-dollar question is on how the split will drive the fortune of Amazon, which includes an approximately 16 percent ownership stake in Amazon's roughly $811.4 billion market capitalization.


A question comes, just before a month ago, Jeff tells to employees, Amazon will go bankrupt one day, In fact, I predict one day Amazon will fail. Amazon will go bankrupt. If you look at large companies, their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years," Bezos said.


Where the worldwide ecommerce sales to touch $4.5 trillion in 2021. Amazon's workforce has increased by manifolds and it now has over 550,000 lakh people working for it worldwide. This news of divorce has raised many questions on the real survival of Amazon and interest of Jeff to run the organisation.


Divorce laws in Washington state, where they live, hold that property acquired during a marriage is generally divided equally between spouses. However, the most of the analysts and fund managers believes that, the divorce will not lead to any significant change in the company's leadership or its growth prospects. At the same time many thinks that, it is best way to keep the assets safe and is is pre-planned divorce agenda of Jeff Bezos.


New York matrimonial lawyer Bernard Clair said in that case a judge would likely determine MacKenzie Bezos' share of Amazon stock based on her contribution to her husband's success, which could include helping him make important business decisions or raising their children so he could focus on work.


India’s e-commerce market now has three major players - Amazon, Flipkart and Alibaba through its investment in Paytm. While all three operate in the same space, they are fundamentally different. The fundamental differentiation is Amazon is a technology company with a strong experience into retailing space. It wants to “make you shop but not make you think about shopping”. On the other hand, Walmart’s focus is to get people into their stores and make purchases. Whereas, Alibaba creates an ecosystem with its financial services offering, logistics infrastructure and marketplace. The good part, which is the need of the hour is to allow other people to use their infrastructure to provide services to consumers.


Lastly, the time will say, who is going to lead the industry .

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