China opposes US’ $1.1Bn arms sale to Taiwan


China opposes US’ $1.1Bn arms sale to Taiwan

China has opposed the $1.1 billion arms sale to Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions. The Chinese Embassy in Washington said that China will take necessary counter-measures.


Chinese Embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu said, “China is firmly opposed to this. China will resolutely take legitimate and necessary counter-measures in light of the development of the situation.


He also said that the United States interferes in China’s internal affairs and undermines China’s sovereignty and security interests by selling arms to the Taiwan region. The arms package includes anti-ship and air-to-air missiles.


Earlier, the US announced the sale of approximately $1.1 billion in military equipment including Harpoon and Sidewinder missiles to Taiwan. The US State Department approved an estimated $355 million sales of Harpoon Block II Missiles and related equipment to Taiwan in order to modernize the island’s defence capabilities and serve US security interests.


The State Department also approved the sale of Block II Sidewinder Missiles and related equipment at an estimated cost of USD 85.6 million. The possible sale of USD 665.4 million in Surveillance Radar Program support and equipment was also approved.


The Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DCSA) said that the proposed sales will not alter the basic military balance in the region. The proposed sales come amid increased tension between Washington and Beijing over a contentious trip to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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