Parveen Kumar Sharma, CTO & Consultant – IT The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Parveen Kumar Sharma, CTO & Consultant – IT The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

‘A CIO should be able to speak both the technical and the business language’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head  
 In an era of digital disruption, CIOs need to be actively involved with their company’s business plan as more and more of the business becomes digital and software-based. Many CIOs who mainly speak the technical language instead of business language are not able to make it to the business table. To be influential C-Level executive in the boardroom, the CIO should work closely with CEO and CFO. CIO should talk business values in the Board room. CIO in his presentation should make sure that the board understands vision, risks, roadmap, and progress at a higher level. The presentation should depict the idea about driving business revenue and progress.
Key Priorities
Our organization is in the process of complete Digital transformation and process Engineering. A special group of representatives from top management and IT team is formed to plan and execute Digital transformation initiatives. For the project, we are training our existing resources; at the same time we are hiring new resources that are knowledgeable on the future technologies to be used in the organization. Besides investment on human resource, we have planned a substantial investment on IT H/W, Software and Networking. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
  The IT landscape should be flexible enough to cater to the changing needs of the business and technology. For the success of any IT project, change management is always a big issue, therefore whatever technology is being implemented must have easy adaptability with the stakeholders. The solution should be upgradeable if required.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
Our agenda for the financial year is for complete digital transformation and process reengineering to improve the quality of services to all the stakeholders (Students/Members/Firms/Statutory agencies). This includes technology refresh, Replacement of old ERP with cloud based new ERP, Digitalization and process workflows of documents etc.


Our agenda for the financial year is for complete digital transformation and process re-engineering to improve the quality of services to all the stakeholders (Students/Members/Firms/Statutory agencies). This includes technology refresh, Replacement of old ERP with cloud based new ERP, Digitalization and process workflows of documents etc.


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