Apple and TikTok rising tensions with US Federal lawmakers


Apple and TikTok rising tensions with US Federal lawmakers

It has been reported that Apple and TikTok denied testifying at a congressional hearing in March concerning their ties and relationship with China. Their move is being observed as a threat to bring up tensions with the US federal lawmakers who believe that Beijing is both privacy and a security threat.


The two companies were invited to appear at the March 4th session by one of TikTok’s leading critics, Republican Senator Josh Hawley (Mo.). But both the firms, Apple and TikTok had declined to testify at a hearing last year as well regarding the same concerns, once again turned their back.


It is being said that Apple's and TikTok's decision to opt-out of the upcoming hearing might just bring down upon them a verbal lashing on Capitol Hill. The Chairman of a key Senate Subcommittee, Hawley has previously upbraided Apple and TikTok for refusing to answer questions about their ties to China.


Last year, the Republican Senator had called out Apple at his hearing over storing the user data of Chinese locally in accordance with government rules. Hawley believes that given Beijing’s stronghold over their surveillance powers, the move certain threatens the security of the customers of Apple, even though Apple has repeatedly stressed that they haven’t built any backdoors in their products for that to happen.


Many regulators, lawmakers and Hawley have been harsh critics of the parent China-based company ByteDance of TikTok. TikTok and ByteDance have gone to huge lengths repeatedly to convince lawmakers that their operation is in no way controlled by Beijing which heavily censors online content.

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