C-DOT - Center of Development of Telematics  


C-DOT - Center of Development of Telematics  

India’s premier research and development center focused on telecommunications technology.


Head of the organization - Dr Rajkumar Upadhyay- CEO and Chairman Project Board


C-DOT has been at the forefront of telecommunications research and development in India. It has a proven track record of developing indigenous technologies that have significantly contributed to the growth of the Indian telecom sector.
C-DOT’s expertise spans a wide range of telecommunications technologies, including switching, wireless, optical, satellite communications, and next-generation networks. This broad expertise enables C-DOT to develop comprehensive solutions that address various aspects of telecom infrastructure.



Key Priorities: C-DOT supports and aligns with various government initiatives aimed at digital transformation, such as Digital India, BharatNet, and Smart Cities. 


Website -  www.cdot.in

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