Industry celebrates AI Appreciation Day on July 16th


Industry celebrates AI Appreciation Day on July 16th

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a technological advancement; but it is the cornerstone of the future of fintech and beyond. On July 16th, join us in celebrating AI Appreciation Day as we recognize the remarkable contributions of AI across various fields such as healthcare, education, entertainment, and more.


For instance, AI is revolutionizing healthcare through improved diagnostics, personalized treatments, and efficient patient management. In the education sector, AI-driven educational tools are enhancing learning experiences and providing personalized education pathways. Similarly, AI is transforming the entertainment industry with innovative content creation, enhanced user experiences, and more.


AI has come to play a pivotal role in everyone’s lives today. This day isn't solely for tech enthusiasts, but it is an opportunity to honour the brilliant minds behind AI innovations. One of the most notable advancements in AI recently is the development of Large Language Models (LLMs). These models, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft's Copilot, and Google's Gemini, excel in understanding and generating human-like text.


As AI continues to evolve, this special day is dedicated to appreciating AI's transformative power and its potential to drive innovation and shape the future.






Anil Sethi, Vice President, Infrastructure Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India 

“AI has played a crucial role in India’s digitization journey. As one of the top markets prioritizing the adoption of AI, the Indian enterprise landscape is preparing itself for increased synergies between man and machine, driven by a vast amount of data.


However, according to the Dell Technologies Innovation Catalyst report, 97% of Indian organizations face data management challenges even though the majority of these organizations claim they are prepared for the transformation that AI will bring in the next 5 years. For data to be truly effective, it must be near the applications and services that rely on it for efficient processing and analysis.


AI integration across all levels of an organization will be essential to unlock the full potential of data, driving growth, optimizing productivity, enhancing experiences, and fostering innovation. By integrating AI at every stage, organizations can accelerate innovation more rapidly than ever and Dell Technologies’ ecosystem is the catalyst to enable this change.


Access to models and technologies can drive global progress and problem-solving, developing an 'innovation engine' that fuels a holistic growth including individual developers, startups, public sector entities, and enterprises alike. Open ecosystems democratize access across the tech landscape, fostering new AI breakthroughs and providing businesses with enhanced innovation and flexibility. This will enable growth in a secure, scalable, and innovative environment.


On the occasion of AI Appreciation Day, Dell Technologies underscores the importance of AI as an industry game-changer which will bring a plethora of opportunities to Indian businesses. To seize the competitive advantage of AI, India Inc. will first need to apply AI to their own private data. To do this they need secure, full-stack solutions: Ad-hoc solutions may not work at scale for AI and GenAI.


By partnering with Dell, businesses can confidently advance their GenAI initiatives, knowing they have our support every step of the way. Our expertise in GenAI and its underlying hardware and software is extensive. We provide the largest suite of full-stack solutions to support the entire lifecycle, along with services for strategy, implementation, adoption, and scaling Generative AI solutions across the organization.”

Karthik Rajaram, Area Vice President and General Manager, India, Elastic 


“As India’s digital economy rapidly expands, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen significant growth, redefining the country’s technological capabilities and social impact. From simplifying mundane tasks to solving complex global challenges, AI has seamlessly integrated into various aspects of our personal and work lives, driving efficiency and innovation and revolutionizing industries.


Among the various applications of AI, Search AI stands out as a game-changer. Taking the precision of search and the intelligence of AI, Elastic has helped many organizations interact with and derive value from their data, to get answers that are faster, smarter, and more efficient.


In healthcare, it is helping medical professionals quickly access critical patient information, research studies, and treatment plans, enabling better diagnosis and care. In business, it is empowering companies to swiftly uncover actionable insights from vast data pools, enhancing decision-making, customer service, and operational efficiency.


Additionally, it assists IT and security teams in real-time threat identification and helps businesses offer more targeted customer support. Yet, as we celebrate AI and its achievements, it is also crucial to emphasize our responsibility in ensuring its ethical application.


Elastic is deeply committed to AI’s ethical development and deployment, emphasizing transparency, accountability, and fairness. Our vision is to harness the power of Search AI while preventing biases and ensuring equitable benefits for everyone.


On this AI Appreciation Day, let us celebrate the extraordinary advancements in AI technology and the positive impact it has on our lives. Let us commend the innovators and visionaries who make these advancements possible. At Elastic, we are thrilled to be part of this journey, transforming how the world searches, accesses, and interacts with data.”

Amit Luthra, Managing Director – India, Lenovo ISG 


“The AI decade has just begun, and we must recognize and emphasize practical applications over technological breakthroughs. With an increase in AI application, mitigating risks and deployment complexities becomes crucial for organizations looking to expand and enhance their operations.


At Lenovo, our goal is to deliver AI to your data efficiently and responsibly. This AI Appreciation Day let’s reaffirm our commitment to a ‘’Hybrid AI’’ vision ensuring AI is accessible, fair, and inclusive to all. Today, 57% of Indian CIOs see AI as a game changer but face the biggest deployment challenges that are identifying the right business use case and skilled AI talent.


Lenovo’s ongoing $1 billion investment in delivering a comprehensive AI-ready portfolio, spanning from pocket to cloud, accelerates large-scale AI deployment. Additionally, our ‘AI Fast Start’ for AI Innovators offering 165+ deployment-ready solutions, and 8-GPU systems quickly demonstrates AI value across industries.


As business needs expand, hybrid Smarter Infrastructure effectively manages AI complexities. Moreover, it enables them to generate and process data in real-time helping them to improve, innovate, and enhance superior customer experience.


Ushering in this new era of AI, businesses must develop and evolve the entire industrial ecosystem to ensure AI is accessible across all development and application stages. Everyone should benefit from these advancements in a more sustainable future created through smarter AI.”


Dr Jai Ganesh, Chief Product Officer, Digital Transformation Solutions, HARMAN 


“On AI Appreciation Day, we celebrate the remarkable progress of Artificial Intelligence and its potential to revolutionize our world. AI is no longer a futuristic concept, but a reality that is shaping every aspect of our lives, from the way we work and communicate to the way we make decisions and solve problems.


The true heroes of this AI revolution are the ecosystem of researchers, engineers, designers, content creators, labellers, and developers who dedicate their careers to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI. The future will see a new era of collaboration between humans and machines by leveraging the strengths of both and we must ensure that AI remains an inclusive technology, working to bridge digital divides and empower a more equitable society.


Let us embrace AI with a sense of responsibility to use it ethically and for the benefit of all by recognising the importance of ethics, transparency, and accountability in the development and deployment of AI. The future of AI holds immense potential, and it is the responsibility of industry, government, academia and society to shape it together.”


Khadim Batti, Co-Founder & CEO, Whatfix


“As we mark AI Appreciation Day, it’s crucial to acknowledge the pivotal role AI plays in digital transformation. Advanced AI models like ChatGPT have revolutionized world’s understanding and use of AI, opening new avenues for innovation.


Within a year, 33% of businesses used generative AI regularly, with 40% planning to increase investments. Organizations now focus on leveraging AI’s evolving capabilities. Today, AI plays a critical role in accelerating the Userization of software—making technology user-savvy rather than expecting users to be tech-savvy—the inevitable future of technology.


At Whatfix, we’ve been at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging AI for years. Our numerous patents attest to our use of ML to enhance user experiences, leading to smoother interactions with technology and improved productivity for businesses. Our AI capabilities are embedded in all our products, including our Digital Adoption Platform, Product Analytics, and other upcoming innovations.


These tools upskill users, enhance their digital experience, and free them from tedious tasks. Whatfix AI helps users read, write, and perform tasks efficiently by providing relevant responses, creating content, and executing tasks on all applications across the enterprise’s digital technology stack. While ensuring compliance with the enterprise’s infosec policies. One exciting feature we’re developing is an AI-powered model that can complete entire tasks based on simple natural language instructions from a user.


Our engineering team works closely with customers to address AI challenges, improve application experiences, support the digital workplace, and integrate process automation. Approaching AI development thoughtfully and ethically is crucial. Stay tuned for more exciting developments.”


Dr. Deepak Kumar Sahu, Editor-in-chief, VARINDIA 


“AI Appreciation Day is an opportunity to recognize AI’s impact on our lives and appreciate its potential to shape our future. To embrace rapid AI innovations and businesses’ changing needs. VARINDIA has been focusing on how to assist customers in reimagining teamwork, improving productivity, and simplifying tasks with the VARINDIA AI Companion.


Sandeep Bhambure, Vice President and Managing Director, India & SAARC, Veeam Software


“At Veeam, we continually integrate advanced AI technologies into our backup and recovery solutions to predict and mitigate risks, optimize operations, enhance data protection strategies, and ensure comprehensive solutions for businesses to run smoothly. On this AI Appreciation Day, we would like to take a moment to emphasize how artificial intelligence is setting new standards in the cybersecurity space. Today, AI enhances the innovative approaches business are adopting to advance their data protection strategies.



Highlighting our latest developments, our partnership with Microsoft has further allowed us to offer more optimized data management solutions, offering insights from Microsoft 365 backup data. This enables our customers to seamlessly interact with these platforms and mitigate potential damage. Veeam’s advanced malware detection engine is also a testament to our data resiliency efforts, wherein our AI driven engine identifies irregularities in data access patterns and enables immediate and targeted responses.



AI is revolutionizing data security and resiliency, transforming how companies approach data protection. The ability to safeguard against data loss and ensure rapid recovery is crucial for any business. AI enhances current methodologies and redefines what's possible in data protection. AI-powered automation optimizes resource use and strengthens data infrastructure, significantly improving a company's security posture. As organizations increasingly rely on digital environments, AI will continue to be an indispensable tool for modern businesses.”


Sooraj Balakrishnan, Associate Director and Head of Marketing, Acer India 


Artificial Intelligence is not just a technological advancement; it’s a paradigm shift that is transforming industries, enhancing human capabilities, and driving innovation.


At Acer India, we embrace AI to not only enhance our products and services but to also create meaningful experiences for our customers. As we look to the future, AI will continue to play a crucial role in solving complex challenges and unlocking new opportunities. It’s an exciting time to be in the tech industry, where AI’s applications range from personalized user experiences to predictive analytics and beyond.


We are committed to leveraging AI ethically and responsibly, ensuring it benefits society as a whole. AI Appreciation Day is a reminder of the incredible potential AI holds and a celebration of the minds that are pioneering this transformative journey.”


Rajarshi Bhattacharyya, Co-Founder, Chairman and Managing Director, ProcessIT Global 


“In today’s digital era, the sheer volume of data processed by organizational networks makes manual monitoring and establishing security a formidable challenge. Traditional cybersecurity approaches struggle to keep pace with the constantly evolving and sophisticated threat landscape. AI solutions, however, leverage advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data in real time and provide 24/7 security monitoring.


On this AI Appreciation Day, we celebrate the incredible advances AI has made in securing our digital networks. AI excels in strengthening threat detection and prevention, enabling real-time monitoring, and enhancing incident response capabilities. At ProcessIT Global, we recognize the immense potential AI holds in building a secure and safer digital future for both organizations and individuals, and we remain committed to harnessing its power.”



Mitesh Jain, Regional Vice President – India, Akamai Technologies 

“AI’s integration into IT operations has had a profound impact by driving innovation and efficiency, fundamentally transforming how businesses operate. This has been revolutionizing the IT industry by automating a broad spectrum of tasks, from basic data entry to complex software coding.


This paradigm shift has enhanced efficiency and fostered innovation, empowering IT companies to deliver more sophisticated and intelligent solutions. By integrating AI, companies can now streamline operations, cut costs, and deliver higher-quality services. This transformation has become crucial for maintaining competitiveness in a global market increasingly dominated by advanced technologies.


To adapt, the industry must embrace AI-driven changes, foster collaborations with AI startups and invest in reskilling its workforce. At Akamai, we leverage AI to enhance security, optimize performance, and deliver seamless digital experiences. Our AI-driven solutions, such as advanced threat detection and the Guardicore AI Chatbot, underscore our commitment to innovation and excellence, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the IT industry’s transformation.


As we celebrate AI’s contributions, Akamai remains steadfast in pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable with AI, continuously innovating to deliver secure, reliable, and high-performance digital experiences.”


Nick Magnuson, Head of AI, Qlik 

“Artificial Intelligence, when grounded in contextually-relevant information, becomes a game-changer for businesses. The true power of AI lies in its ability to uncover insights across a wide array of information in real-time. Having a robust foundation for AI not only enhances the precision of these models but also transforms decision-making processes across all levels of an organization.

AI can make complex data accessible and actionable, democratizing insights and enabling employees, regardless of their technical expertise, to drive smarter outcomes. However, to unlock AI’s full potential responsibly, businesses must invest in comprehensive data integration and governance frameworks. This ensures that AI systems are fed with accurate, relevant, and timely data, while minimizing biases and fostering trust.


Looking ahead, AI will serve to differentiate industry leaders from laggards. Countries like India are pioneering in this space, demonstrating how AI can transform sectors such as healthcare and education. But remember two things: success in AI is a journey, not a destination. Develop a plan that suits your organizations needs and abilities, one that builds on early successes.


Second, AI is not a replacement for human judgment – it’s an enhancement. By combining AI’s capabilities with human expertise, we significantly improve our ability to make informed, strategic decisions in this rapidly evolving technological landscape.”



Sandie Overtveld, SVP of Freshworks APAC & MEA


“Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become a transformative force across various sectors, providing innovative solutions to complex business challenges. We observe three key changes AI introduces to enterprise software: workflow automation, co-pilot assistance, and data analytics for decision-making. As businesses rapidly adopt AI, its applications have been expanding in scope and impact. Smarter AI can now understand customer sentiments, handle simple queries, and free up agents.


For more nuanced or complex inquiries, AI can triage these accurately in real-time to the right agents. By leveraging tools like Freshworks’s Freddy AI, customer experience professionals can effectively address customer’s problems and enhance satisfaction through personalisation.


Riding on this AI wave, enterprises need to adopt AI-powered solutions to level up their customer and employee experiences, boosting efficiency and engagement.


Across the globe, concerns around privacy, hallucination and data security are significant. To fully tap into AI benefits, we all have to prioritize data protection and ethical AI regulations to foster trust and large scale adoption.


Inherently, cloud providers have systems that are designed with a security-tuned foundation that is better at data security with AI only further enhancing the commitment. At Freshworks, FreddyAI Guardian leverages content filters to identify and mitigate harmful and toxic content as well as places shields against threats such as jailbreak, and prompt injections.


Gen AI can discover patterns, anomalies and rogue changes much faster than humans and immediately take action on them.”



Sumit Nigam, CTO, Perfios 


“The world as we know it today—how we transact, communicate, and interact—is fundamentally shaped by technological advancements. In the last two decades, India has become synonymous with Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, and the world currently looks up to us for their IT needs. We have come a long way from where we started; from a technology support developing nation, to now an economic powerhouse that is at the forefront of developing and utilizing a diverse range of emerging technologies. For instance the resounding success of Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has echoed worldwide, and advancements in financial technology are revolutionizing the landscape by digitising finance, improving access to financial services, and providing innovative solutions like account aggregation and personal finance management. All these transformative changes are a result of the successful development and implementation of emerging technologies.


On AI Appreciation Day, we celebrate the remarkable advancements in Artificial Intelligence that are shaping our world. AI enhances our daily lives in many ways, from powering smart technologies to improving healthcare and driving innovation across different industries; and this is just the beginning. The ongoing development of AI is vital for economic growth and societal progress. Today, we reflect on AI's potential to solve complex global challenges and transform our future.


As we celebrate the progress made, we must also remember the importance of ethical development and responsible use of this technology. AI has the potential to drive greater inclusion, providing opportunities and access to technology for all, regardless of socioeconomic status. By working together, we can ensure AI continues to benefit humanity in meaningful and profound ways.”




Ashish Chaturvedi, Founder - School Diary


“Large scale offline examinations are becoming outdated. Competitive exams like the IIT, SAT, CAT, GRE, and GMAT are now mostly digital, conducted online or as computer-based tests. These are simpler to administer and easier to grade than traditional pen-and-paper exams.


However, digital exams present logistical challenges. Exam authorities must decide on the devices candidates will use and ensure the integrity of the exams at scale. Large exams like the IIT or CAT can afford preconfigured devices for testing.


Schools face similar needs, particularly for higher classes requiring frequent assessments. However, they often lack the infrastructure and devices for large-scale, simultaneous exams. They rely on the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) model, where students use their own devices, sometimes from home, which makes manual proctoring difficult.


AI-proctored examination solutions address these challenges. Schools can conduct numerous exams anytime while ensuring fairness. Students benefit by taking exams from home and at convenient times, maintaining equal opportunities as those taking exams in person. AI proctored exams also decentralizes the examination process, allowing schools to offer realistic exam practice frequently, while ensuring fairness.


We at School Diary are thrilled with how this AI proctored examination solution that we have developed, benefits all parties involved.”



Sameer Kanodia, the Managing Director and CEO of Lumina Datamatics


“At Lumina Datamatics, we recognize the transformative potential of artificial intelligence as part of our comprehensive approach to advancing the digital revolution. By integrating AI into our services, we enhance our ability to deliver innovative, efficient, and scalable solutions tailored to our clients' evolving needs. We prioritize continuous learning and development, with our research and development team constantly exploring new AI technologies to stay ahead of industry trends. While AI is a significant part of our strategy, it is one of many tools we use to drive progress. Our commitment to innovation, excellence, and delivering superior value ensures that Lumina Datamatics remains a leader in the digital revolution, continuously evolving to meet the needs of our clients.”



Sachin Panicker, Chief AI Officer, Fulcrum Digital


"AI is not just a technological advancement; it's a transformative force reshaping enterprises and economies, especially in India. By streamlining processes and enhancing decision-making, AI is unlocking new opportunities and driving growth across industries. For Indian enterprises, regardless of size of operations, AI is a game-changer, enabling them to expand their reach, improve customer relationships, and compete on a global scale. MSMEs have an added benefit as AI empowers them to operate more efficiently and strategically, overcoming resource limitations and enhancing their competitiveness.


Beyond business, AI stands as a great equalizer, providing access to vital information and resources, thus levelling the playing field for all. As we celebrate AI Appreciation Day, let's recognize the profound impact AI is having on the Indian economy and its promise to uplift humanity, driving us towards a more equitable and prosperous future."



5Vasanthi Ramesh, VP – Engineering, NetApp India


"For Indian enterprises, the adoption of AI in the past year has been particularly transformative. According to NetApp’s 2024 Cloud Complexity Report, nearly 70% of businesses in India are already leveraging AI to gain competitive advantages. With this trend of AI adoption comes the massive undertaking of efficient, adaptable, and secure data management. As businesses strive to harness the power of their data to drive innovation and operational efficiency, Intelligent Data Infrastructure (IDI) becomes indispensable. With the right data infrastructure, Indian companies can unlock significant value from their data, accelerating growth and staying ahead in the global market.


AI, along with IDI, is enabling Indian enterprises to streamline their data processes, reduce costs, and enhance decision-making capabilities. This not only drives productivity and innovation but also strengthens India's standing in AI adoption globally.


On AI Appreciation Day, we recognize that as AI continues to reshape the business landscape, Indian enterprises are set to flourish, leveraging cutting-edge IDI solutions to drive the economy forward.”



Neelesh Kripalani, Chief Technology Officer, Clover Infotech


“On AI Appreciation Day, we recognize the transformative power of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing enterprise operations and enhancing customer experiences. As the CTO of an IT solutions company, I have witnessed how AI acts as a catalyst for innovation and efficiency. By leveraging AI, including the advanced capabilities of Generative AI (GenAI), enterprises can access real-time insights, thereby enhancing decision-making, personalizing the customer journey, improving data security, and offering real value to stakeholders. As we look to the future, the potential of AI to drive unprecedented growth and redefine industry standards is boundless. Our commitment is to stay at the forefront of this technological evolution, guide our clients to harness AI's full potential and shape a smarter, more connected world."



Deekshith Marla, Co-founder of, an Aurionpro Solutions company


“Artificial intelligence is reshaping the financial services landscape with its transformative skills. AI isn't just a tool anymore; it's a catalyst for innovation that's revolutionizing how we approach banking and fintech. Joining hands with Aurionpro Solutions, is allowing us to witness how AI can enhance operational efficiency, strengthen fraud detection, and deliver personalized customer experiences for the banking and fintech space. Our AI-driven solutions are enabling financial institutions to make more accurate decisions, automate complex processes, and stay ahead in regulatory compliance. As we look to the future, we're excited about AI's potential to further democratize financial services, making them more accessible, secure, and tailored to individual needs. AI Appreciation Day reminds us that we're not just developing technology – we're shaping the future of finance.”


Savio D'Souza, Head of Product Communications, OPPO India


“India has over a billion mobile phone users, and for many, smartphones are their sole exposure to technology. AI technologies are the future, and OPPO India is dedicated to making them accessible to everyone. Earlier this year, OPPO established its AI Centre to focus on AI R&D and filed over 5,600 patent applications globally. OPPO plans to integrate over 100 generative AI features across its smartphone lineup to reach 50 million users globally. The Reno12 series, which boasts the highest number of AI features—AI Eraser 2.0, AI Best Face, AI Studio, and AI Writer—in its segment, marks OPPO India’s first step towards democratising AI. By the end of this year, even budget phones from OPPO India will carry advanced AI features to ensure all users can enjoy the latest in artificial intelligence.”


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