Chander Khanduja, CIO - Luminous Power


 Chander Khanduja,  CIO - Luminous Power



‘The CIO today is a digital business driver’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head

The CIO of yesteryears used to be a business enabler, but today he is a digital business driver. This change involves lot of change management across different functions. Every organization that wishes to stay on the curve have to go through this transformation. 

Key Priorities

As one of our key priorities, we have created a digital strategy, which we unfortunately are not authorized to disclose. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes

The role of CIO has evolved. Given the technicalities involved in his job, the CIO is now a Chief integration officer that involves integrating all silos of information across the organization. 

Investment Plans for FY 18-19

In FY 18-19, we would be working on a digital roadmap for integrating end to end digitization.


As one of our key priorities, we have created a digital strategy, which we unfortunately are not authorized to disclose. In FY 18-19, we would be working on a digital roadmap for integrating end to end digitization.





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