Prashant Jadhav, Head - Information Services - Franke Faber India


Prashant Jadhav, Head - Information Services - Franke Faber India

Investment in Production Digitalization –  The Focus of 2018

Commitment as a Tech Head
Based on business strategy, as a CIO, I need to design the technology strategy and ensure execution, enablement and development of it which can take the business to next level. I need to provide executive level interface between the technology department and rest of the business.

Experience Cell
Challenge is not only to find right people skill but also to retain the existing people skill in the organization. We believe in identifying the right people within the organization than searching outside and empowering them with new and emerging technologies. We promote continuous employee engagement programs and team dialogues to understand the precise need of the resources to retain them for long term with the organization. We are very successful with this strategy.

Key Priorities
 In 2018, we are focusing more on investments in production digitalization and strengthening our sales efficiency. That means we are more focusing to invest on Industry 4.0 technologies like Machine learning, RFID technology, Mobility, Big data analytics & IOT along with ongoing roll out of SAP ERP in remaining companies. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
 Organizations are heavily spending on technology by moving it from being the back-office reactor to commercial enabler considering next 25 years roadmap and vision of the business. In last generation of technology, we focused on digitalization but now it’s a necessity for the business to enable machine, people, devices and sensors to connect and communicate with each other. So your technology foundation must be very dynamic and flexible to adapt these changes to safeguard the investment which we did so far on technology. So while implementation of any new technology, we need a broader view of the business and subsequent technology strategy.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
I believe that’s the correct strategy & we are also going forward in the same direction. Production digitalization & strengthening sales efficiency is clearly aligned with business growth, winning and retaining customers and empower business to lead in the market. We will execute some pilot projects in 2018 in these areas & then would like to roll out in all companies across globe.


In 2018, we are focusing more on investments in production digitalization and strengthening our sales efficiency. That means we are more focusing to invest on Industry 4.0 technologies like Machine learning, RFID technology, Mobility, Big data analytics & IOT along with ongoing roll out of SAP ERP in remaining companies.


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