“Post-pandemic the workforce landscape is defined by employees making wholesale re-evaluations of their professional purpose”


“Post-pandemic the workforce landscape is defined by employees making wholesale re-evaluations of their professional purpose”

Arijit Dasgupta
Head IT
Rupa & Company


Tech talent: A challenge
Talent strategy is the core of any business strategy. All business problems are finally people’s problems. Some companies have long recognized this truth. Others have learned—or are learning—the hard way. Post-pandemic the workforce landscape is defined by employees making wholesale re-evaluations of their professional purpose.

For HR and hiring managers, that puts accuracy at a premium level. We need to know that a candidate has the skills to succeed, but also that they will fit within the team and company culture.

Good candidates for key roles are scarce. They left jobs during The Great Resignation in no hurry to return, or they are taking advantage of sudden supply-and-demand. Many highly skilled professionals, across a range of industries, are fielding multiple interviews at a time, parlaying the competition into a best-possible package.

The best talent is seeking more than a gaudy contract offer. As Harvard Business Review noted, more workers want their prospective employers to showcase a commitment to growth, equity, community, and workplace flexibility. With their skills and experience in relatively short supply, these leverage-wielding labourers are willing to weigh organizations and their offers against each other.

The hiring approach has to be efficient and impressive. The candidates evaluate the recruitment process and company culture as much as an HR assessing them.

That makes hiring in 2022 a high-stakes competition—but one in which the companies with a talent strategy can separate themselves and create a competitive advantage. Using scientifically validated assessments to gauge a candidate’s behavioural and cognitive abilities is a great start, but in 2022, there’s a lot more to it.


IT: The Future of India
In the present time, when the COVID-19 pandemic has grappled the whole world and economies have been hard hit. The Indian IT industry is still showing positive signs and has the ability to overcome this exceptional catastrophe. It has arisen as a global economic force and a major contributor to the Indian economy in particular and the world in general.

In the last decade, India has emerged as an IT hub for the software companies of the world and Indian software companies have taken prominent positions in the global IT sector. India has become the world’s largest sourcing destination for the IT industry. Online retailing, Cloud computing and e-commerce are all contributing to the speedy growth of the IT industry. The rate of growth in the IT sector for 2021-22 is approximately 10%.


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