Organisations that can adapt to the new technological changes will survive


Organisations that can adapt to the new technological changes will survive

Sandeep Sengupta
Founder & Director
Indian School of Anti Hacking


CIO priorities for 2022
Since we are into cyber security & information security audit & consultancy, we do not have the pressure of bringing new innovations or technology. However, we do need to have a deeper research on identifying risks associated with new technologies which are readily adopted by our clients. The biggest challenge will be to retain the best talents, and if lost, to retain the knowledge base. 


Digitization - opportunities galore
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will be an integral part of the service. Adoption of Blockchain & Metaverse is something we are keen to watch over the coming one year. Metaverse can be a game changer over the next one year.


Tech talent: a challenge
The Kolkata based Indian School of Anti Hacking has several years of experience in the IT Security Industry working with Governments, law enforcement agencies and corporate clients. Working over the last many years we have felt the lack of well-trained individuals in the IT Security industry. We have therefore opened a college which teaches the required skills we need. So we have a ready supply for talents. Furthermore, we conduct hackathons on a regular basis among youth. We provide internships to the winners and absorb them into the organisation. It has worked well for us till now.          


Bridging the Tech gap
We have been working on data governance, data protection & privacy for the last many years, ever since GDPR was enforced in Europe. We have helped several clients to get ready for this. 


IT: The Future of India
New age technology will rule the market and old technologies will die. Only those organisations that can adapt to the change will survive. Companies that can bring the change will be the new trillionaires. The world tomorrow will be dominated by startups.  The Indian startup market looks promising.

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