GitHub Copilot for Business is now generally available with new OpenAI model + AI-based security


GitHub Copilot for Business is now generally available with new OpenAI model + AI-based security

GitHub, the world’s largest and most advanced software development collaboration platform, announced that GitHub Copilot for Business is available to every developer, team, organisation, and enterprise. GitHub is also introducing a more advanced OpenAI model and new capabilities to bring even greater benefits to organizations.


First previewed in partnership with OpenAI in 2021, GitHub Copilot is the world’s first at-scale AI developer tool. Sitting within the editor as a simple extension, GitHub Copilot draws context from a developer’s code to suggest new lines, entire functions, tests, and even complex algorithms. Since its release, GitHub Copilot has transformed developer productivity for more than one million people, helping developers code up to 55% faster.


Thomas Dohmke, GitHub CEO, said, “The rise of generative AI models like GitHub Copilot has triggered widespread recognition that the age of AI has begun. But until now, generative AI has largely benefited the individual. That’s changing today.


“Over 400+ organizations are already using GitHub Copilot. Now, with GitHub Copilot for Business, we're opening it up to every developer, team, organization and enterprise. We’re also introducing a more advanced OpenAI model and new capabilities to bring even greater benefits to organizations.


“Building software has never been more complex, and developers need new solutions. AI is bringing the most significant technological transformation in a generation. Organizations that harness AI to empower developers will win the future. And this is just the beginning of our vision to build an integrated, AI-powered GitHub.


“In the coming years, we will integrate AI into every aspect of the developer experience – from coding to the pull request to code deployments for developers to build their best in a world where all organizations will be more dependent on their success than ever. GitHub Copilot for Business is the first stride in this future, a future that will push the boundaries for all developers,” Dohmke added.


Copilot for Business with new capabilities:

More powerful AI model: New modeling algorithms improve the quality of code suggestions.

AI-based security vulnerability filtering: GitHub Copilot automatically blocks common insecure code suggestions by targeting issues such as hardcoded credentials, SQL injections, and path injections.

VPN proxy support: GitHub Copilot works with VPNs, including with self-signed certificates, so developers can use it in any working environment.

Simple sign-up: Any company can quickly purchase Copilot for Business licenses online, and easily assign seats — even if they don’t use the GitHub platform for their source code.


The future of AI programming is here

GitHub Copilot builds the power of generative AI into an editor extension that suggests code in real-time. It works with code and natural language prompts to offer multiple suggestions that can quickly be accepted or rejected — and it learns alongside developers to adapt to individual coding styles and conventions. With GitHub Copilot, developers can use the editor of their choice from Visual Studio to Neovim, VS Code, or JetBrains IDEs.


Back i​n June 2022, GitHub reported that GitHub Copilot was already generating 27% of developers’ code. Today, GitHub is seeing this happen more and more with an average of 46% of code being built using GitHub Copilot across all programming languages, and 61% among developers using Java.


Moreover, GitHub’s research shows that 90% of developers using GitHub Copilot report completing tasks faster, with 73% better able to stay in the flow and conserve mental energy. GitHub’s research has also found that up to 75% of developers who use GitHub Copilot feel more fulfilled and able to focus on more satisfying work.


This rate of success has enormous potential for developers and companies alike — just imagine the benefits of putting GitHub Copilot in the hands of 100-, 1,000-, or even 10,000-person development teams.


For an organization, developers fixing bugs faster means your product and supply chain is more secure. Developers manually writing less boilerplate over and over again means your teams are more productive and focused. Developers being able to learn and onboard new technologies means they can deliver better solutions for your customers.


Ultimately, Copilot for Business gives developers the ability to build for tomorrow instead of spending all their time bogged down with the problems of today.

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