Global cloud infrastructure market grows on continued Digital Transformation


Global cloud infrastructure market grows on continued Digital Transformation

According to a report by Canalys, worldwide cloud infrastructure services spending increased 35% to $41.8 billion in the first quarter of 2021, compared with the previous year.


Blake Murray, Research Analyst, Canalys, said, “Though 2020 saw large-scale cloud infrastructure spending, most enterprise workloads have not yet transitioned to the cloud. Migration and cloud spend will continue as customer confidence rises during 2021. Large projects that were postponed last year will resurface, while new use cases will expand the addressable market.”


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud retained the top three spots and accounted for 58% of total spending in the March ending quarter.


Market leader, AWS, grew 32% on an annual basis, taking 32% of the cloud infrastructure services spending in the first quarter of 2021.


Microsoft Azure expanded 50% for the third straight quarter, capturing 19% market share in the March ending quarter.


John Dinsdale, Chief Analyst at Synergy Research Group, said in a statement, “They [Amazon and Microsoft] continue to invest billions of dollars every quarter in expanding their global data centre footprint, while at the same time enhancing their cloud service portfolios. These two don’t have to spend too much time looking in their rear-view mirrors and worrying about the competition.”


Google Cloud maintained its third spot closely followed by Jack Ma’s Alibaba Cloud. Google’s cloud computing services grew 56% in the first quarter of 2021, taking a 7% market share.


Other growing cloud service providers include IBM, Salesforce, Tencent, Oracle, Baidu, NTT, SAP and Fujitsu.

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