Slack inks partnership with Amazon to overtake Microsoft Teams and Zoom


Slack inks partnership with Amazon to overtake Microsoft Teams and Zoom

Slack has announced partnering with Amazon to leverage its vast array of AWS services and bolster its presence in the enterprise workspace. The companies have struck a multi-year agreement, where Amazon will adopt Slack for in-house communication for its AWS teams and will provide additional services to Slack for expanding its footprint in the enterprise workspace. As Amazon's rollout to its employees is complete, the company could overtake IBM to become Slack's biggest customer.


Amazon is Slack's preferred cloud service provider and the business tool will now benefit from its storage, compute, database, security, analytics, and machine learning capabilities. The partnership will see Slack utilize Amazon Chime for powering its voice, video, and screen-sharing features.


Amazon has also integrated its Key Management Service with Slack's in order to attract regulated and security-conscious customers for distribution and control of cryptographic keys. Additionally, the communication tool will now offer improved team collaboration thanks to AWS Chatbot integration and will support secure bi-directional data transfer with AWS through Amazon AppFlow.


With Amazon's back-end support, Slack may just get the boost it needs to compete against Microsoft Teams, with whom it has a complicated rivalry, and Zoom, which uses multiple cloud providers and recently partnered with Oracle for additional cloud infrastructure.


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