Now Google Chrome for Android supports Dark Mode : Here is how to Enable the Dark Mode


Now Google Chrome for Android supports Dark Mode : Here is how to Enable the Dark Mode

Google Chrome for Android is serving a dark mode, thanks to the latest update 74.0.3729.112. However, there is no straight method to enable dark mode on Chrome 74 for Android. In order to enable dark mode, users will have to enable it through Chrome flags.


If you are keen on to use dark mode on Chrome 74 for Android, here’s how to quickly enable this feature


What is dark mode?


In case you are not aware, dark mode simply changes the background and many elements of various apps to black and dark grey. The advantages of dark mode include improved readability of text, better contrast, and reduced eyestrain. Those who like to work in dark or in dark environments should use enable dark mode on their devices. In the past few months, several apps (YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Messenger) and operating systems (macOS Mojave) have gained support for dark mode.


How to enable dark mode on Chrome 74 for Android

Before we start, you need to understand that the option isn’t directly accessible. Instead, users have to manually enable it through Chrome flags. Once you are done with the process, the dark mode option will appear in the settings.


* Cut and paste “chrome://flags/#enable-android-night-mode” in the address bar in Chrome Browser.


* Now search for “Android Chrome UI Dark Mode”.


 * Select Enabled.



* Relaunch Chrome and go to Settings > Dark Mode to enable/disable.

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