UBank launches AI Driven 'Digital Human' home loan assistant - MIA (My Interactive Agent)


UBank launches AI Driven 'Digital Human' home loan assistant - MIA (My Interactive Agent)

UBank, the Australian online bank  has set to introduce the latest member of its home loan team, MIA, a digital assistant with a human face powered by artificial intelligence technology, Australias first Virtual Assistant for Home Loan Apps.


UBank CEO Lee Hatton says on a report “By bringing MIA to life, we’re giving customers a whole new way to interact with their online home loan application and completely challenging the perception of a digital bank."


MIA will help potential home buyers and refinancers complete their online home loan applications.  Behind MIA the technology is RoboChat, which is built with IBM Watson, and is still in training. It will continue to lear as more customers engage with it, becoming smarter and more user friendly over time. It is the latest technological advancement in UBank’s cognitive banking offering. It users IBM Watson Conversation API and uses natural language to respond to customers. It can respond to customers on 40 core home topics and hundred of associated questions.


“We want to continue attracting customers but maintaining the same number of team members to support this ever-growing customer base,” Hatton says. “That means we need to leverage key technologies like AI to tackle the typical questions customers ask, so we can free up our team to address the unique situations our customers need more support with, every day.”

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