Latest technologies to amplify customer satisfaction and loyalty


Latest technologies to amplify customer satisfaction and loyalty

Vivek Khare, Director IT, Verse Innovation 


Technology blueprint for year ahead
Looking ahead to 2023-24, my agenda includes several initiatives to leverage technology to drive business growth, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Some of these initiatives include:

• I plan to modernize legacy systems by migrating them to cloud-based platforms and implementing modern architectures, such as microservices and containerization.
• I will explore the use of AI and machine learning to automate routine tasks, optimize processes, and provide insights for decision-making.
• I will prioritize cybersecurity by implementing robust security protocols, conducting regular audits, and providing training to employees.
• I will leverage technology to improve customer experience by implementing self-service options, enhancing mobile capabilities, and providing personalized recommendations. This will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Latest technologies influencing growth
As a technology leader, I am always exploring the latest technologies and their potential benefits for my organization. Some of the latest technologies that I am planning to adopt for better growth include:

• We are exploring the use of AI for customer service chatbots, predictive analytics, and process automation.
• Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can automate repetitive and rule-based processes, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value tasks. 
• Cloud computing across multiple Hyperscalers can provide scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency for our IT infrastructure. 
• We are exploring the use of blockchain for secure data sharing, and digital identity verification.
• We are exploring the use of BI tools to monitor KPIs, track customer behaviour, and make informed business decisions.
• We are exploring the use of data visualization tools to create interactive dashboards, reports, and presentations.
• We are exploring the use of big data technologies for customer segmentation, and personalization 
Overall, our approach to adopting new technologies is guided by our business needs and the potential benefits and risks of each technology. We prioritize collaboration with all stakeholders, data-driven decision-making, and continuous improvement to ensure successful adoption and integration of these technologies.


Fortifying organization from cyber threats
Overall, our approach to strengthening our organization’s security is proactive, multifaceted, and risk-based. We prioritize collaboration with all stakeholders, continuous monitoring and improvement, and adherence to industry best practices and standards. Especially since we are ISO 27001 certified for more than a decade. 

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