Mahesh Patil, CIO - A leading MNC


Mahesh Patil, CIO - A leading MNC

‘Lack of Skilled People is a major problem’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head 
IT always plays an important role in the Business Growth and with Digitization and other new emerging technologies, the role of IT is becoming more crucial. Sometimes management do not agree with our ideas/concept but if we prove it by doing some POCs then they will start realizing it and will come up with more ideas, so eventually our purpose will be solved.

Experience Cell
I prefer to build the competencies within the team wherever it is possible and keep them motivating to do many more things. Knowledge enhancement is the key and for which I organize trainings for the team every year. But I agree that getting the skilled people is difficult and their knowledge on the subject is always questionable. Maybe it is due to the lack of knowledge hubs at right place.

Key Priorities
My preference is to adopt at least one new technology in the organization in every one or two year, last year I have adopted BI. This year I am planning to explore the possibilities with RPA and IoT. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
I agree that IT should be flexible and dynamic but I do not think it is easy because business requirement keeps on changing. Sometimes we face complex situations. Basic problem what I have observed is lack of right people in place and lack of deep knowledge of processes. And in most of the cases we go with some assumptions but assumptions are always not correct.

Secondly, business should be ready with their roadmap for next five years then I think it would be easy to build solution which will be more flexible and can adapt the new changes.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
 I always keep some budget for new technology upgrade because it is needed to meet the business need. I think it is must otherwise you will be out of race.


My preference is to adopt at least one new technology in the organization in every one or two year, last year I have adopted BI. This year I am planning to explore the possibilities with RPA and IoT. I always keep some budget for new technology upgrade because it is needed to meet the business need. I think it is must otherwise you will be out of race.


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