Shailendra Gupta, CTO - Recharge It Now


Shailendra Gupta,  CTO - Recharge It Now

CIOs must justify the RoI while adopting new technology

Commitment as a Tech Head
CIO needs to act as a business enabler and catalyst. He / she needs to think as a business leader and chart strategy ( new revenue stream etc.) for the business growth, through effective use of available resources and adoption of emerging technologies. A CIO needs to clearly establish RoI / tangible business outcome in his / her proposal to adopt a new technology oriented strategy however there will be situation when RoI gestation period is high but, proposal is still moved /adopted for user experience or for brand building perspective.

Experience Cell
It is true that we do not have ready / potentially ready skills available in-house, in the area of emerging technologies. However, the business cannot wait until the capability gets built in-house and hence we have taken balanced approach by involving skilled and trusted partners to start the adoption of emerging technologies and simultaneously creating a charter to develop the skill in-house through re-skilling program or new hiring. Further, we build in-house capability only in a situation when the new technology is part of core function and critical from risk / compliance perspective otherwise we completely outsource to a reliable and skilled partner, in all other situations.

Key Priorities
The Key priorities are:
· Making efficient use of big data and AI for improving customer experience, designing new revenue streams and fraud preventions.
· Automating manual processes to drive the efficiency. 

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
The budget is broadly divided in to three categories namely
· Business As Usual / keep the light on,
· Expansion / Tech refresh
· Transformation which includes adoption of new technologies and cloud adoption/migration.
While first and second eats significant portion (approx. 70%) of the budget but allocation for third i.e. transformation is growing YoY basis.


We do not have ready / potentially ready skills available in-house, in the area of emerging technologies. However, the business cannot wait until the capability gets built in-house and hence we have taken balanced approach by involving skilled and trusted partners to start the adoption of emerging technologies and simultaneously creating a charter to develop the skill in-house through re-skilling program or new hiring.


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