The disruption in the technology demands to ensure business continuity


The disruption in the technology demands to ensure business continuity

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of human life. Most notably, it has changed the way we work. Automation has been a driver of change in organizations long before the pandemic, but now it has become a boardroom imperative with a new urgency: business risk and resiliency.   


The India cloud market will witness a visible impact in the probable and pessimistic scenario in terms of heightened adoption with public cloud leading the forefront of all infra-related investments. As per IDC's COVID-19 Impact on IT spending Survey, May 2020, as a result of the spread of the pandemic 64% of the organizations in India are expected to increase demand for cloud computing while 56% for cloud software to support the new normal.


The need to work remotely is bolstering the demand for SaaS-based collaborative apps, to ensure on and off-site presence at all the times and zero-disruption to business. This will also increase the need for remote support services – both human professional services and of the cloud software – especially security/identity. VPNs, collaboration suites, end-point encryption, and cloud tools will witness an uptake. The digitally-determined organizations are likely to sustain their digital plans and would be better positioned to address the situation by leveraging technologies like collaboration and cloud, for maintaining continuity. Industries like media, education, and IT/ITeS are likely to see an increased uptick primarily because of online entertainment, virtual classrooms, and increased need for collaboration as a result of increased remote working.


An increase in regulatory, client service and margin pressures has prompted a growing number of firms to seek a move to Cloud-based, shared service solutions in order to remain competitive. Migrating to the Cloud requires a clear roadmap to avoid a cumbersome and excessively complex process. Whereas, organisations across the world are searching for agile and effective ways to leverage AI and ML for automation, better decision-making, and competitive advantage. 


The decision of the government to  boost  the electronics manufacturing sector in India is a welcome step, The Manufacturing now to be the biggest boom in India. This can be great step towards becoming an electronics manufacturing hub of the world , Lets understand in detail in our next edition. 

The world has been ‘reset’ and as it readjusts, we will see new industries, new trends and new highly successful companies emerge – and probably quicker than many might expect.
Global markets are continuing to rally. This is extraordinary as tensions between the U.S. and China – the world’s two largest economies – are heightened, when the President of the U.S. is threatening to deploy the U.S. army onto the streets of America, and as the global economy attempts to recover due to an ongoing pandemic for which there is still no cure, to name a few of the current factors causing chaos.
“All of this would normally send the markets into tailspin. Yet this time they continue to rally.  “But a closer look at the markets shows the upswing is being fuelled by a handful of companies that reflect the ‘new world’, which is increasingly tech-driven.

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