Syed Kadam Murshed, General Manager – IT, Medica Group of Hospitals


Syed Kadam Murshed,  General Manager – IT, Medica Group of Hospitals

‘Digitization provides both a challenge and an opportunity for CIOs today’   

Commitment as a Tech Head
In this fast changing business landscape, a company may try to build and rebuild new lines or models, shift or enhance product-service portfolio, change the go-to-market strategy, accommodate their overall direction with fewer hierarchies, develop entirely new skill sets, lesser or higher command and control on business processes. At the same time the C-Level Executives target better agility all over the organization to operate. The whole set of components for such huge transformation is complex and should be configurable according to business needs. Such business transformation needs continuous adoption of digitally enabled processes. Today Business Transformation is synonymous to Digital Transformation. It is not just businesses those are being transformed, technology actually is empowering people and organization to do so. It is also important for the CIO to get involved at all levels of business discussions.

Experience Cell
 As digitization becomes a competitive advantage, it presents both a challenge and an opportunity for the modern CIO. In respect to keeping up with the evolving security landscape, being enabled with Social-Mobility-Analytics-Cloud-IoT etc, retaining proper technical and soft skills is getting difficult.

Areas of practice that once seemed impossible to digitize are fundamentally changing because of the impacts of AI, IoT capabilities and big data analytics, which have many potentially positive implications for society. Furthermore, HR departments are playing a vital role in both initiating new employees and building up efficient human capital from existing pool.

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
 From the printing press to smart-phones, technology has empowered us in phases. But this time, we are using it differently. If we compare the technology we use today with that of just a few years ago, it’s increasingly interactive. Advanced technology is now even capable of learning. We have also embedded humanity into the technology by empowering customers.

The concept of extended enterprise is enabling the world to exchange information beyond boundaries of the organization. By coordinating and integrating supply-value chain activities this will deliver mutual benefits to corporates and customers. This revolutionary extension will help us to intergrate technology into people’s lives.


Over the last few years, the concept of “digital enterprise” has exploded. CIOs and other technology leaders have to play a more meaningful role in shaping up any business strategy today. A CIO should innovate and implement technology solution on time not only just buying the cheapest solution, but also to buy technology that can address an organization’s current and future goals.


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