Vivek Jadhav, Deputy General Manager – IT VFS Global


Vivek Jadhav,  Deputy General Manager – IT VFS Global

‘A CIO should understand business criticalities to integrate technology solutions’

Commitment as a Tech Head 
Today IT digitalization and cloud transformation metamorphose digital and cloud base business processes. Worldwide business solution implementation requires critical working hours and project management lean and robust methodologies demand high-performance role from CIO/CTOs.

CIO/CTOs need to configure high-class delivery strategy and growth prospect by understating business criticality and technology solutions integrations along with strong project planning, functionality understanding, configuration & build activity, testing, UAT sing-off and Go-live along with defining the critical path of projects. 

Key Priorities
 IT Priorities and Budgeting are based on the business expansion and growth strategy. CIO/CTOs need to play the vital role to run business applications on the latest digitize and cloud platforms along with high-security IoT based policies implementations to safeguard business-critical information and data. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
In order to hasten business process innovations globally, scalability and robust solutions, CIO/CTOs need to emphasis on IT landscape dynamic to implement digitalize technology solutions.

Data digitization will make data more accessible, Secured and Centralized for the ease of Global implementations.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
Technology innovations bring cost increase in term of procuring high-end servers, network integration, cloud hosting, data center rent/ maintenance,

project methodology, system integrations, application implementation etc.
CIOs/CTO needs to understand ROI on budgeted cost for On-Premises or cloud technology innovations which will upsurge and secure business data,

business process, and business policies potentially.
CIOs/CTO Will Put Experiential Engagement, Data Monetization, or Digital Business at Scale at the Top of Their Agenda


Finding right people with right skills is one of the key challenges to CIO/CTOs by looking at industry digitalization and cloud transformation based aggressive timelines projects. Knowledge acceleration of emerging technologies in domestic resources will always help to fill the knowledge gap which inclined to project digitalization innovations as per project delivery timelines. Building a COE (Center Of Excellence) capability within the organization will lead to improving employee technological technical/ functional capabilities.


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