Vinod Pandey, Head-IT, GHCL Limited (Chemicals)


Vinod Pandey, Head-IT, GHCL Limited (Chemicals)

‘IT is tightly integrated with all the business functions in our organization’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head 
As an Information Technology team leader, it is always challenging to meet business function owner’s expectations with the rapidly changing business models and technologies. There are multiple dimensions to look at this situation. One is, when IT is ready with the solution but adoption from function owner and his team becomes a challenge in terms of customization demand due to lack of adoption on standard processes proposed in the solution, ease of accessing the solution, less data entry requirement etc and eventually this kind of situation makes IT approach more complex. Secondly, even the solution is as per business requirement, but it is not being utilized up to its fullest capacity to give business a real-time benefit. In this situation IT solution becomes secondary and customized and the manual way of working becomes primary for function owners. 

Experience Cell
 Dealing with skill shortage can be very tricky. An IT leader must know who is who in his team and must know who can go extra miles when there is a need.

One can follow this methodology and get the team prepared before going forward with any project. There could be approaches like, internal/external training for IT staff, demo systems to be provided to IT staff for in-depth practicing, personal review of each staff progress, etc. However hiring new staff can be done anytime. The option of out-sourcing or hiring third party consultants are also available nowadays but a very thorough review has to be done before going ahead with this option. 

Key Priorities
 • Skill development of IT staff on existing and new technologies, both of which are beneficial for the organization
• More demo/POC sessions on new technologies and an in-depth review before deciding on any new solution or technology
• ROI on the new solutions deployed
 • Simplification of processes and finding scope for more automation to speed-up the processes
• Enabling IT Infrastructure to welcome new solutions & technologies
• Use of Analytics for analyzing business outcome and forecasting
 • Use of IoT and mobility solutions
 • IT security frame work and periodic review.


It is always important for any business to retain existing customers and look at the opportunity to acquire new ones. We do also keep our focus on the same line along with the regular review meetings on the business growth part. IT is very tightly integrated with all the functions in our organization and we do proper planning before jumping onto any new solution or technology. Business growth, customer satisfaction, product innovation, excellence in operation and to be on top in the market are the priorities.


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