CRISIL predicts India to face the worst recession ever


CRISIL predicts India to face the worst recession ever

CRISIL has predicted that India's fourth recession since independence shall perhaps be the worst to date, as the economy may shrink by 5 per cent in the current fiscal, thanks to COVID-19 lockdown.


"The first quarter (April to June 2020) will suffer a staggering 25 per cent contraction," it said in its assessment of India's GDP.


"About 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) in real terms could be permanently lost. So going back to the growth rates seen before the pandemic is unlikely in the next three fiscals."


CRISIL said the recession in the current fiscal (April 2020 to March 2021) is different as agriculture could soften the blow this time by growing near its trend rate, assuming a normal monsoon.


The COVID-19 lockdown, first imposed on March 25 and extended thrice till May 31, has curtailed economic activity severely.


"The first quarter of this fiscal will be the worst affected," it said. "Not only will the first quarter be a washout for the non-agricultural economy, services such as education, and travel and tourism among others could continue to see a big hit in the quarters to come. Jobs and incomes will see extended losses as these sectors are large employers."


It also saw economic activity in states with high coronavirus cases suffering prolonged disruption as restrictions could continue longer.


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