Technology Brings Huge Support During Covid-19 : Opportunity for the hackers


Technology Brings Huge Support During Covid-19 : Opportunity for the hackers

Digitizing all business processes so that information is immediately available to all those involved in a given task. However, it brings potential risk as the hackers always waiting for this type of opportunity.


Digital transformation initiatives are prevalent across organizations of all sizes and industries. According to the recently published RSA Digital Risk Report, six in ten respondents stated their organization is “extensively” engaged in digital transformation.


Digital transformation touches every aspect of an organization, yet it remains an ongoing challenge to enlist the business in addressing digital risk. According to the RSA Digital Risk Report, the burden of an organization’s digital risk management strategy still falls on the IT and security teams to figure out. Sixty-five percent of organizations reported that their security team was involved in digital risk management compared to only seven percent of line of business leaders driving the digital transformation. As the conversation around digital risk is changing at the board level and moving well beyond a conversation focused solely on cybersecurity, so too must it be happening at the line of business level.


Telecommuting is relatively new concept in other way it is called “smart working.” For those who never experienced remote working, it can be challenging. One of the keys to working successfully from home is to have a quiet, dedicated place, free from distractions, which is perhaps a little complicated when we have a lot of things happening around us at home. Of course, you might end up with the opposite problem: sitting in front of the computer for hours and forgetting to get up for a break.


Cyber attack risk: A cyber attack can be disastrous for an organization that’s unprepared to handle it. Know where your organization stands in terms of the cybersecurity capabilities needed to mitigate the risk.


Dynamic workforce risk: A dynamic workforce of employees, contractors and gig workers can propel your organization forward and put it at risk. Be sure you’re doing enough to secure the business while still empowering the workforce.


Cloud transformation risk: You can offload work to the cloud, but you can’t offload the risk. Move forward confidently with a thorough understanding of how your organization manages the risk cloud service providers may bring.


Third-party risk: The more work you do with third parties, the greater the risk. Ensure that all the right measures are in place to manage the risk that your third parties – and their third parties – introduce to your organization.


Compliance risk: The business cost of noncompliance can be steep – whether it’s a monetary fine or a less quantifiable blow to the organization’s reputation. Be prepared to demonstrate a strong compliance posture.


Data governance and privacy risk: Privacy risk is evolving, with new rules and regulations being introduced all the time. Get familiar with how your organization’s risk management program is evolving to keep pace.


Process automation risk: AI, IoT and other technologies to automate processes make organizations more productive and efficient. Be sure there is a carefully considered, well-developed process automation risk strategy in place to manage them.


Business resiliency risk: Sometimes business disruption is inevitable, but the impact doesn’t have to be devastating. Know what your organization is doing to maintain business resiliency in the event of disruption.


The biggest challenge to leaving the engineers at home is the reduction of collaboration. There are certainly ways to improve collaboration through the right virtual communication platforms, but sometimes, being able to engage directly with another nearby designer and ask.


Many corporates to get benefits as the work from home has increased. The corporates into laptop, Desktop and all in one to see a growth of 4X and more and secondly Citrix, VMware, Microsoft, TeamViewer, Zoom and other cloud providers to see a good growth in terms of revenue.


Citrix provides solutions which enables work-from-home. Citrix will indeed benefit but the slow-down in economic activity as a result of social distancing and lock-down should not be ignored. Citrix (CTXS) was recently upgraded for work-from-home reasons by Raymond James on March 17 with a target price of USD 124. The reason provided was the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, Bank of America recently named Citrix as one of its stay-at-home beneficiaries.


While Citrix will undoubtedly benefit from work-from-home, I have doubts about the target price. Moreover, it is important to distinguish between the hype from what is realistically possible, in terms of the benefit the company is likely to derive.


Secondly, working from Home Via VMware Horizon in the Age of COVID-19, the solution uses a company's existing user desktops, which greatly decreases the cost and enables users to work on the exact same desktop to which they are accustomed. VMware Horizon and other VDI solutions also allow users to remotely access physical PCs, effectively eliminating the barrier of setting up the infrastructure to host virtual desktops.


The most obvious advantage of using Horizon with physical machines is the flexibility that the connection server gives and the security that the VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG) provides. By using a connection server, you can specify which users are allowed to use a physical PC.


Lastly, the better prepared your organization is to manage digital risk, the greater the business benefit of digital initiatives. And the better prepared you are to answer questions about digital risk management from your board and executive teams, the more actionable information they’ll have to keep the business moving forward with confidence.

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