Government to come up with unique identification numbers of school students


Government to come up with unique identification numbers of school students

The Union Ministry is planning to create unique ID numbers for school students across India. It is a part of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.


Known as ‘Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR)’, the ‘One Nation One Student ID’ scheme will be a lifelong ID number that tracks students’ achievements and academic journeys as well as make transfer from one school to another easier, according to a news report.  


"APAAR and National Credit Framework will be the QR code for learners across India. Every skill they pick up will be credited here," T G Sitharaman, AICTE Chairman said.


The new system will help students digitally store exam results, sports, Olympiad outcomes and help keep a track of students dropping out so it can mainstream them.


The enrollment will be done with parent’s consent and the states and UTs have been directed to begin the process for the same.


“The Ministry of Education will generate APAAR ID based on the Aadhaar number of each student for which separate consent of the parents is required,” states the letter by the Ministry, addressed to the Commissioner of Education.


It has been directed to schools to hold special parent-teacher meetings from October 16-18 to apprise parents about the APAAR ID and create awareness. The government has assured that the data will remain confidential and the parents can withdraw their consent anytime they wish to.  


However, the growing weight of non-academic tasks has created unrest amongst teachers. School heads said that they were already struggling to update the Aadhaar details of students on the portal.


“Schools just completed work on students' AADHAAR Card update on UDISE. Now, a new ID card is in the making. We also have to update each student’s height, weight and blood-group on UDISE. This leaves us no time to focus on academics.” Pandurang Kengar from school principals’ association in Mumbai, said, reports a news source.


This comes after the government formed a committee, led by former President Ram Nath Kovind, to investigate the feasibility of 'One Nation, One Election’ in the country.

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