Forging strong technological roadmaps to achieve company goals


Forging strong technological roadmaps to achieve company goals

Sanjay Kumar Singh,
Head IT Operations & Digital Transformation, Global Education (GEDU)  


Technology blueprint for year ahead
Our strategy for 2023-24 is focused on the following major initiatives: This includes simplified project management, agile solution deployment, technology-driven efficiency, cost reduction, and technical innovation. In a nutshell, as a technology leader, I am responsible for project management, solution implementation, and technology-driven efforts to increase efficiency, productivity, and cost savings. My 2023-24 approach involves fostering innovation, enhancing cybersecurity, using data analytics, and investing in training for employees. We can effect good change, remain competitive, and achieve our company goals by employing these strategies.


Latest technologies influencing growth
I am continually looking for new technology that might help our firm grow and innovate. Some of the current technologies we are contemplating incorporating as next-generation techniques include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain, Edge computing, and Cloud computing.

Our plans for the future year involve comprehensive analyses and proofs of concept for these technologies. We will identify particular use cases and evaluate each technology’s potential benefits, dangers, and implementation issues. In addition, investments will be prioritised based on their potential impact on growth, efficiency, and customer experience. Furthermore, we will concentrate on developing a strong technological roadmap, ensuring a smooth link with existing systems, and providing workers with the necessary training and aid in adapting to new technologies. Regularly monitoring, reviewing, and updating our technology adoption strategy will be important to optimising value and driving higher growth for our firm.

Fortifying organization from cyber threats
To strengthen our organization against cyber threats resulting from the increasing use of emerging technologies, we are implementing a comprehensive approach that encompasses the following key strategies:

Robust Cybersecurity Framework, Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Management, Employee Awareness and Training, Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Access Controls, Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response, Third-Party Risk Management, Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing, Incident Response Planning/Testing, Continuous Improvement and Adaptation of new technology.


Reiterating the brand identity 
To make our brand distinctive and central in our respective categories, we focus on a unique value proposition that addresses specific customer needs. We position our brand strategically, with a compelling brand story and consistent identity. We prioritize exceptional customer experiences, innovate to differentiate ourselves, and establish thought leadership in the industry. Strategic partnerships and brand advocacy further strengthen our position. Through these strategies, we aim to build a strong brand preference and become the go-to choice for customers in our category.

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