Advanced business intelligence helping to achieve the quality and ways of business goals


Advanced business intelligence helping to achieve the quality and ways of business goals

V. Sendil Kumar, CTO, Shriram Capital


Technology blueprint for year ahead
We have designed the applications for Hybrid and Multi cloud environments where both public and private clouds communicate. In this scenario data management can become easy and high availability can be configured accordingly. In 2023-24, strong monitoring and control mechanisms need to be enabled where currently tools are pre-matured and have limited options.


Latest technologies influencing growth
Designing new applications on Micro services and even monolithic applications to Micro level architecture are also in the plan. As the organisation is growing data size too gets increased. Due to this, resources, scalability are a concern. Micro services architecture helps in auto scaling where necessary PODs and resources can be increased/decreased accordingly.  


Fortifying organization from cyber threats
Earlier data was controlled centrally, so data visibility, manageability was easy for many organisations but now data is available across all areas. So, the process has to be redesigned and needs to concentrate more on data flow in edge devices. Clear monitoring and reviewing of data movement are very important. So, processes and products which have clear visibility are to be deployed accordingly.

We have strong security skill sets and the security postures are reviewed in a hybrid environment by both the in-house and external team. With internal and multiple reviews from external agencies can help in strengthening organisation’s data management.


Reiterating the brand identity 
Unlike earlier where technology was a back end, now technology helps business teams to increase in creating the strong brand through digital business. As applications are enabled for B2C, technology helps in building brands for the organisation. Further business transactions through mobile, increase through social media makes the organisation’s visibility at large.


Digital technologies aiding to win customer trust
Customer first along with employee first can move the organisation to the next level. Digital technologies help in getting instant feedback from the customers which helps organisations to act accordingly. Customers expect organisations to address their queries with less TAT (Turn Around Time). In this scenario, deploying digital helps a lot. Digital helps to collect data on customer choices, interest and their behaviour. Organisation should increase analytics on the application where the data collected can be sliced and diced to get proper and necessary results

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