KRC Murty VP-Deutshe Bank AG,Group CIO, Function-Safety and Soundness


KRC Murty VP-Deutshe Bank AG,Group CIO, Function-Safety and Soundness

‘Business and IT should collaborate together to meet business goals’

Commitment as a Tech Head  
The CIO and related functions within the department have no choice other than being a close aide to the Business functions. Both have to be part of the same table right from the strategy till execution to have an end to end collaboration. Business cannot take decisions and decide on timelines without Technology and similarly Technology cannot execute without understanding the entire business model and the timelines and urgency if any. Hence it is utmost priority for both the CIO world and Business to walk together for a successful marriage of Business and Technology. 

Experience Cell
Skill sets play a key role always. It is eminent that more critical the function is more critical the skill sets become. There is always a need for a sustained model and longevity of resource / knowledge transfer and continuity. There is no right or wrong model as long as it suits the respective company’s IT Strategy and meets their requirements/financial viability. For some, an outsourced model may really work well which does not entail the overheads of managing the knowledge/knowledge transfer/other overheads. 
However there is another upcoming trusted model which is IP Repatriation which includes getting the knowledge within the organization and having resources on board instead of a 3rd party vendor / partner managing the skills and knowledge. I personally feel this is a good model to go with to ensure that the entire knowledge stays within and resources have the right level of responsibility and maintain confidentiality. 

Key Priorities
While as a Global Bank we have many new priorities and strategies which are essential and critical for any Global Bank or Financial institution, it is very important to ensure Security and safeguarding of Client Data, confidentiality, integrity and above all compliance to regulatory requirements and norms. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
Any technology being deployed should have an underlying unwritten rule to be agile and flexible and easy to interface with newer applications, provide an easy API integration and be able to exchange data easily.


While there will be new technologies taking shape based on the Fintech’s pushing large institutions to look at new ways to reach out to clients and inducing a millennial thinking into the technology deployments, it is how well the technology solutions and applications are deployed to be able to attract more clients and utility for the Business groups is the priority. Today Business units function purely on the underlying technology available and the edge it provides over the competition.


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