Ron Davidson, CTO and Vice President - R&D Skybox Security


Ron Davidson, CTO and Vice President - R&D Skybox Security

2018 to see surge in adoption of automated solutions

Experience Cell
2017 will undoubtedly be considered as ‘Year of ransomware’, the year when the global security landscape was forever changed by attacks like WannaCry and Petya. The havoc caused by these attacks reached far beyond the paltry ransom demand. Cyber events like these were a wake-up call to the brave new world of cyber-attacks and how they could reach further into the ‘real world’ than ever before. 
But it’s not just ransomware and the threat landscape that have changed. Digital transformation initiatives like the move to the cloud and the increasing convergence of IT and operational technology (OT) have drastically changed networks and expanded responsibilities of security teams tasked with protecting them. 

As a result, in 2018 we expect to see a surge in the adoption of automated solutions, particularly for integrated analytical workflows. These can deliver actionable intelligence to security practitioners of what to focus on — such as vulnerabilities posing an imminent threat — what tools are at their disposal to take action and tracking the workflow to ensure tasks are carried out to completion.

Key Priorities
Organizations will need to be sure that they understand and can support the shared responsibility model of the cloud, in that the cloud service provider is responsible for security of the cloud while the organization is responsible for security in the cloud. The assumption that cloud networks are inherently secure needs to be overcome, and security teams need to have the means to understand how traffic moves into, out of and within cloud networks to put the proper security controls in place.

Investment Plans
For India, there are a good number of large infrastructure projects in the pipeline, such as: large scale government sponsored digitization endeavours; the fostering of smart cities; the “Make in India” initiative; new transportation projects (airports and metro railways); the development of electronic cities; and the formation of new banking and finance organizations. These large-scale projects are driving massive growth in India, which in turn will drive growth in managed security services. Growth in these areas will also increase IT and OT (operational technology) network size complexity and lure more targeted attacks.


At present, most firms are in a transition phase, with networks made up of a hybrid of physical, virtual and multi–cloud environments. 2018 is set to be the tipping point, as corporate networks become predominantly or entirely virtual or cloud–based. If organizations are aiming for a complete move to the cloud, they need to ensure that security programs are poised to support the approach.


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