Yashpal Soni, Chief Information Officer - Intex Technologies


Yashpal Soni, Chief Information Officer - Intex Technologies

‘A successful CIO needs to have a blend of skills’

Commitment as a Tech Head 
A CIO plays on a very thin line, making sure the business understands the language of the CIO. As a CIO it is true that this CXO level has immense experience in technology transformation initiatives and probably can add great amount of value.

Experience Cell
A CIO needs to possess a blend of skills and wrap it in sugar coated pills. A CIO cannot share all the outcomes at the initial stage of the implementation. At times he has to go with the flow and sometimes he has to put his foot down.

Key Priorities
The plans on my list include Digital Initiatives, IOT and focus on Data Analytics along with security on top of the mind.

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
I fully agree that the CIO/CTO needs to ensure that the IT landscape is dynamic and flexible and can provide multiple options to easily and quickly adapt to changes. The IM strategy put in by the CIO should be in conjunction with business strategy and the foot print that is implemented must be flexible enough so that it can implement changes on the fly to cater to the business needs.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
My plans for FY 18 – 19 would be to make sure that customer connect remains the highest priority and to create a WOW factor for the customer. Internally in the organization I would look to create a SINGLE SOURCE OF TRUTH environment.


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