Suresh Kumar, Partner & CIO - Grant Thornton India


Suresh Kumar, Partner & CIO - Grant Thornton India

‘My Firm strongly believes in harnessing the Digital Power’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head 
The business environment is fast changing and organizations need to change with the same and evolve new business models. Role of Information Technology in the current scenario is more crucial than ever before as Partner to Business and recommend efficient and cost effective technology solutions to execute business strategy and contribute to the growth of the firm. Another important role which IT plays is to ensure security of the business information as that is crucial to the survival of the firm.

Experience Cell
In our business, People are the most important asset. We encourage our people to acquire latest IT skills available in the market place, which are relevant for our environment and our strategy. We add specialist resources to the team, skills for which are not present. We also have an excellent work environment encouraging people to stay with the firm for long.

Key Priorities
 Our firm strongly believes in harnessing the power of Digital for business strategy execution and enabling growth. Our key IT priorities are continuing the Digital transformation journey and investing in Digital technologies to achieve business objectives. Some of the key initiatives planned this year are Data Lake driven Analytics and Mobile Apps for clients and our people.

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
 The current business environment is highly dynamic and needs an IT environment which can adapt to those fast changes. Business benefits can be gained by collaborating with clients and vendors and therefore the IT environment should not only be dynamic, it should be flexible too. Cloud computing has been instrumental in making IT environments flexible.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
The IT strategy of any organization has to be tightly aligned to the Business strategy. Customers are at center stage of the Business strategy. Our primary agenda during the current financial year is to enhance customer experience and transform the same from ‘Good’ to ‘Superlative’. We have planned specific business IT projects to enhance customer experience, including mobile apps and portal for their engagement, thought leadership, reports and newsletters.

Our firm strongly believes in harnessing the power of Digital for business strategy execution and enabling growth. Our key IT priorities are continuing the Digital transformation journey and investing in Digital technologies to achieve business objectives. Some of the key initiatives planned this year are Data Lake driven Analytics and Mobile Apps for clients and our people. We now plan to create mobile app for every business applications as most of our users are mobile.



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