Building Toward A Hybrid & Distributed Future: Michael Dell


Building Toward A Hybrid & Distributed Future: Michael Dell

Michael Dell, Chairman, founder and CEO of Dell Technologies addressed thousands of customers, employees and channel partners during his keynote address at the Dell Technologies World 2021.


He spoke about Dell’s vision of the future. The biggest announcement at Dell Technologies World is the launch of Apex, Dell’s new as-a-service portfolio that changes the way Dell will develop, sell and manage its massive infrastructure portfolio in a more cloud-like, consumption-based manner.


While talking about the digital future, overnight the world changed and to meet our evolving reality, the pace of innovation accelerated. This is our collective opportunity to unite, elevate and advance our industries and our world. As IT leaders and humanitarians, we play a critical role in delivering the promise of digital transformation to solve our greatest challenges and create a bright future.


Michael Dell spoke about Five key things :


1- ‘Integrating And Innovating’ With VMware

2- Apex Brings Together Dell’s ‘Cloud And As-A-Service’

3- The Future ‘Will Unfold At The Edge’

4- ‘Together, We Prevented A Complete Societal, Economic Meltdown’

5- Zoom Airlines’ And ‘Building Toward A Hybrid, Distributed Future’


Michael Dell made it clear during his keynote ,the biggest news from Dell was its confirmation of its plan to spin off its 81 percent stake in VMware. There is a strong joint innovation and go-to-market strategy between Dell Technologies and VMware will not be going away any time soon.


We are integrating and innovating edge solutions with VMware and across our capabilities and partner ecosystems, creating the automated intelligent infrastructure for 5G and the data era,” said Dell. “With VMware’s Tanzu, you have the platform to modernize your applications and with VMware Cloud and Dell Technologies, you have consistent infrastructure and operations from the public cloud to the private cloud to colocation and the edge. Together, Dell Technologies and VMware are the multi-cloud platform for digital transformation.


Dell Technologies yesterday launched , Dell Technologies with Apex that changes the way channel partners and customers produce, buy and manage Dell products and services.


We want to give you cycles back by making your infrastructure highly automated, multi-cloud, and as-a-service. So you can dedicate your time and energy and investments to your data, your applications and creating business results and competitive advantages,” said Dell. “That’s where Apex comes in, to bring together our cloud and as-a-service capabilities.”


Apex consists of Apex Data Storage Services, an on-premise as-a-service portfolio of scalable and elastic storage resources; Apex Cloud Services for as-a-service hybrid or private cloud infrastructure with integrated compute, storage, networking and virtualization resources to simplify cloud adoption; and Apex Custom where customers can create their own on-demand pay-per-use or usage-based IT environment leveraging Dell’s entire infrastructure product portfolio.


In Box: Increasing in this new, do-anything-from-anywhere world, it’s a future that will unfold at the edge,” said Dell. “While 10 percent of data is processed outside of the data center today, 75 percent of data will be processed outside of a traditional data center or cloud by 2025.


That data will be generated in the real world at the edge and to transform that data into outcomes will require real-time analytics and intelligence.


Michael Dell took a few minutes to review how technology, including Dell Technologies’ PC and infrastructure technologies, enabled the world to continue to function during the global COVID-19 pandemic.


“What a year it’s been. A year of humanity and a year of humility. A year of desperation and inspiration. A year of loss and learning about what we are, what we can be in the future, and about what we can build together. Upon all, for me and for all of us at Dell Technologies, I stand here grateful for our role in keeping your organizations up and running and delivering for your customers, for your patients, your students and your citizens,” said Dell.


Together, we prevented a complete societal economic meltdown. That isn’t hyperbole, it’s what we as technologists did for the world since the shutdown began.


The data decade is here, said Michael Dell, which will accelerate digital transformation strategies for companies worldwide. You all have an enormous amount of data and it’s only going to grow faster. And the plot of every company, of every organization right now, is to figure out how to turn their data into better insights, actions and results, and to do it faster, said Dell.


Digital transformation is accelerating and it’s not going to slow down. Momentum is building toward a hybrid, distributed future, fueled by data analytics that are processed in real time and to digitalize and secure processes operations and business models.”


Additionally, Michael Dell said his company has never been more important since being founded in 1984. Technology is no longer the IT department, it’s now the entire organization. It’s how you enable everything. And we’ve never been more central or more relevant, and I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this community,” said Dell. “I know many of you feel the same way. I hear it in conversations with all of you as I travel the world on ‘Zoom Airlines’ without ever leaving my house.

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