Women have significantly transformed the narrative debate on women empowerment


Women have significantly transformed the narrative debate on women empowerment

Komal Somani
Chief Branding Officer (ESDS Software Solution Pvt. Ltd.)


"In today's dynamically changing world, technology plays a crucial role in advancing women in their careers across industries. Technology often serves as the key growth driver behind any social change. Earlier, our society "perceived" that women were supposed to be inside the house and handle the household chores. By the hype of technology in the market, women have tried to level up to all the technology changes and cope with the changing technology environment. Mastering the technology changes, women have significantly transformed the narrative debate on women empowerment.


The role of technology in economic development can be attributed to several factors. These factors encompass - time, efficiency, specialization in work, accessibility of natural resources, industrial expansion, and most significantly, the Digital and International Trades.


Women have been excelling across several departments and overcoming all the hurdles coming in front of them. Nowadays, women successfully balance their personal and professional lives according to their priorities and maintaining a hybrid work-life balance. During this pandemic situation where kids have been learning from home, it was highly important to pay some attention to better their skills. I have always played the role of a daughterin-law, a wife, and a mother. I have always believed in a proper work-life balance that can help you grow in all dimensions and extents.”


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