Rohit Kapoor, Oyo finds 'Work from anywhere' a key trend for startup ecosystem


Rohit Kapoor, Oyo finds 'Work from anywhere' a key trend for startup ecosystem

Rohit Kapoor, CEO - India and South-East Asia, Oyo feels the only other trend overall for the startup ecosystem apart from digitization is 'work from anywhere'. This will create industries of its own because talent is now borderless in the truest possible sense.


To him the way cases are rising in India is definitely a concern. Of that he was quite confident, especially as the vaccination goes on. His only urge is to know the exact supply of vaccines, etc. But having worked in healthcare for many years prior to Oyo, he knows that the segments of the population which can get vaccinated at the fastest pace ever seen in human history.


On the trends that he would be betting on, Rohit said, “Digitization is a big trend for sure, but let me talk a little about my industry because that is what I understand more than others. We are seeing three or four big trends. One, as soon as COVID comes down, we will see a lot of revenge tourism happen; it is a nice new term coined in southeast Asia. People go out very quickly, so the bounce back is quick and it is very non-seasonal in nature. The second is we will see a number of small vacations; which is people taking two to three days break, 8 to 12 times a year rather than just one or two long breaks. Third is very unique: 'work from home' plus 'school from anywhere' models allowing vacations while you are living somewhere else.”


He also said, “Those are the trends in our space, but the only other overall trend for the startup ecosystem apart from digitization, which is a massive trend, is 'work from anywhere'. It has been accepted globally. This will create industries of its own because talent is now borderless in the truest possible sense. This creates a very different labor market globally, which I do not think everybody has grasped yet. Lastly, the amount of climate change data that will get generated during the lockdown, I am sure many scientists and start-up people are starting that for long-term advantages.”

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