NCSC finalizes trusted gear vendor list


NCSC finalizes trusted gear vendor list

The criteria for identifying trusted sources and products, has been finalized by the National Cyber Security Coordinator (NCSC), and conveyed to the telcos and other stakeholders the process to provide information in a meeting attended by all telcos and foreign gear vendors - except China’s Huawei and ZTE.


NCSC shared with the stakeholders the list of products and the template of the data they will require. But the authority did not share the criteria basis which it will determine whether a source or a product is trusted, and assured the companies that all information provided will be kept in strict confidence.


According to sources a lot of issues may crop up once the portal on which the information will need to be provided goes live. “…there will be many things which can’t be visualised today...we will get to know about the real action and its impact once it comes into effect," said the executive.


Some vendors also raised concerns about the magnitude of information being sought and said that they can’t provide so much information due to the strict time limits.


While the procurement rules will come into force from June 16, the NCSC will launch the beta portal on April 15 and will notify the categories of gear for which the security code related to trusted sources is applicable.


The details were discussed at a virtual meeting called by the NCSC and attended by telcos, chipmakers, domestic and multinational vendors. Huawei and ZTE were not called for the meeting. Companies represented at the meeting included Ericsson, Nokia, Cisco, Samsung, Qualcomm, Ciena, Intel, AMD, Tejas, Nivetti systems, C-DoT and VNL, besides the telecom operators.


The NCSC gave a presentation to all stakeholders and shared the flow of the procurement rules and the flow.


Telcos have been pushing the government to clear its stance on whether Chinese vendors will be allowed to participate in India’s 5G trials and rollouts, saying they would beed to take informed decisions before investing top dollars.

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