Government organizations in 6 countries targeted by a Chinese hacking group


Government organizations in 6 countries targeted by a Chinese hacking group

A new report confirms that a Chinese hacking group has been creating a big chaos for government organizations in different countries for the last three years.


The Calypso APT (or Advanced Persistent Threat), the name of the hacking group, has been active since 2016, as revealed by an enterprise security company Positive Technologies. The group has till now targeted state institutions in India, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Russia, Thailand and Turkey.


The group first hacks the perimeter of an organization's systems, and then using special utilities & malware gains access to the internal network. Once inside, the hackers could move through the system in one of two ways - either by exploiting Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities or using stolen credentials.


By using this method, the attack group was able to successfully damage government organizations in every country they targeted.


Positive Technologies attributed the group's success to its use of widely available public tools - "These attacks succeeded largely because most of the utilities the group uses to move inside the network are widely used by the specialists everywhere for network administration. The group used publicly available utilities and exploit tools, such as SysInternals, Mimikatz, EternalBlue and EternalRomance."


Positive Technologies believes the Calypso APT group to be Chinese-speaking due to its use of PlugX malware, a favourite tool among Chinese groups, as well as the Byeby trojan. In addition, it uncovered some real IP addresses of the hackers which were linked to Chinese providers.

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