Smart cities projects are prime target of the hackers


Smart cities projects are prime target of the hackers

Hackers are targeting Smart citiesprojects are main target of the hackers to capture the financial services data and transport systems in India. The prime cities are Mumbai, New Delhi, and Bengaluru are attracting the maximum number of cyberattacks. Since, growing number of connected systems embedded throughout their infrastructure as per IoT security report by Subex


Secondly, McAfee also warns of serious security flaw in building controller and the researchers have demonstrated how simple flaws in building controllers could allow malicious actors to manipulate control systems with devastating effect. At the same time F-Secure has spoken about the security vulnerability relating to an F5 device that it could potentially turn hundreds of thousands of load balancers into beachheads for cyber-attacks.


Release of Subex says, state of Internet of Things (IoT) Security Report for the second quarter (April-June 2019) in New Delhi says, the report is based on threat intelligence data gathered from across 15 cities all over India, 


Highlights of the report includes:


* Mumbai, New Delhi, and Bengaluru are attracting the maximum number of cyberattacks
* Smart cities, financial services, and transportation sectors lead the sectoral rankings in terms of cyberattacks 
* The number of cyberattacks registered a 22 percent jump in the quarter 
* There has been a significant rise in reconnaissance attacks   
* A range of sophisticated malware is being deployed by hackers to target critical infrastructure projects
* IoT projects are being targeted at the proof of concept stages itself and many malware samples isolated showed a tendency to persist and listen to the network traffic.


The study identified over 2550 unique malware samples in the country which is the highest reported so far. Modular and military-grade malware is often used by specialist hackers and groups with budgets and access to research and development facilities or online shops that develop and sell such sophisticated malware. Increase in the number of attacks with a geopolitical motivation is also a trend the study has reported. By releasing these findings we intend to increase awareness and provide decision makers and other stakeholders sufficient data points to frame appropriate interventions. We hope this report will serve its purpose and help India secure its infrastructure and connected components.


Finally, P Vinod Kumar, CEO, Subex says, our honeypot network is active in 62 cities around the globe. The threat intelligence generated from these cities is crunched in our IoT lab in Bengaluru to generate actionable intelligence on the threat environment surrounding IoT deployments. The threat intelligence compiled points to a high level of hacker interest in projects in India and this is indeed a matter of concern.

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