Digital Technologies playing a significant role in meeting the business objectives


Digital Technologies playing a significant role in meeting the business objectives

Kumar Ravi, CISO, Teleperformance India 


Cyber resilience: A critical component
In current times, cyber resilience is equal to business resilience, and undoubtedly is the primary objective of an organization’s cyber strategies. Organizations need to augment their secure-by-design approach with a resilient-by-design mindset. Investing in modern-age detection, prevention and response technologies can help in deeper and faster detection of cyber threats. Auto response may help prompt containment of threats, and thereby, reduce blast radius to ensure minimal impact to business. The emerging trends like EDRs, XDRs, SOAR, security analytics and automation, along with data backup strategy, cyber insurance, and a well-designed and rehearsed incident-response plan are vital and a must-have.


Adoption of latest technologies
The organization is focusing on hybrid workforce security, cloud security as the key levers for enterprise information security strategy. Right from strengthening user and device security, digital certificate, MFA and Passwordless authentication, authorization, to cloud security and visibility solutions and Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR), Teleperformance has invested in all the latest state-of-the-art technologies.


Fortifying organization from cyber threats
As more and more organizations are focusing on business modernization through accelerated digital transformation, digital technologies have significantly expanded the organizational cyber threat surface. Use of Cloud/SaaS, RPA, AI & ML, APIs, Mobility, IoT, etc. add new dimensions to the cyber security strategies for businesses. Use of AI & ML based solutions, Security Analytics, Response Automation are the need of the hour, and these are now an integral part of the cyber security strategy to combat the new age cyber threats for ensuring cyber resilience.

Undoubtedly, IT and Cybersecurity will always play a significant role in meeting the business objectives. At Teleperformance, we have a robust Information and Cybersecurity Program and the team is recognized for innovation in security solutions and best practices.

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