Sayed Peerzade, Group CIO Reliance Big Entertainment - Reliance Group


Sayed Peerzade, Group CIO Reliance Big Entertainment - Reliance Group

CIOs – The Enablers  of Businesses 

Commitment as a Tech Head 
I absolutely agree with the fact that CIOs in today’s world are catalyst between the businesses. With the emergence of Digital business lines for each traditional business, the business models are changing and CIOs are playing and going to play an important role over there. Some of us brought those digital transformations which turned around the business and some CIO heading the new line of businesses. Times are changing and IT and CIO is no longer remained a support role, it’s now business enabler’s role, or head of the business role itself.

Experience Cell
With lots of new technologies to enable the business coming in to picture, it’s a true fact that it’s difficult to find the talent nowadays. Any Digital transformation today has its phases and planning. Use those phases to train people and adapt new technologies. Some of them will definitely pickup and will come up to mark what we need. That’s why I always say in lots of forums, digital adaptations and transformations have to be planned properly, so that end users as well as the one who is implementing both gets benefit from the reformations meant for.

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
Today world is moving towards an app driven economy. We see sudden volume up downs and your backend infrastructure needs to support that. The infrastructure needs to be very agile and flexible. More on that there is immense competition, the time to market for any new idea and product is almost near nil today. That means your infrastructure should be scalable without losing any time to launch new product.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
All technology transformation has to be aligned to business. The objective is to adapt them to enhance business, increased revenue, and best time to market new products. Of course, there is traditional IT infrastructure to support the base line, but in my case, majority of my budget allocation goes into R & D, adaptation of new tech to enhance my business as a business enabler, mainly end user experience, minimum cost maximum service, new business ideas based on technology adapted and lastly direct revenue contribution.


I have brought transformation for many years in this Industry. Being an early mover, I have adapted cloud when everyone is talking about it. Since CIOs today are part of business, adaptation of new technologies as per business need is reality. My priority being in B2C business is always customer satisfaction, I bring all those changes which is needed to achieve this. Second is business intelligence, Generate and mine Data, to make think organization on data driven decision making rather than taking calls on guts basis.


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