T.G. Dhandapani Advisor Sundaram Clayton Limited


 T.G. Dhandapani Advisor Sundaram Clayton Limited

‘Emerging and new technologies are an opportunity for CIOs’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head 
Today’s business can excel only with digital technology. Every CIO has a clear understanding of business – the way it operates, KRAs, where the business makes money and where it losses, who does the job and who does not, who is effective and who pretends to be, where things move fast and where it’s stagnant. Though all these are opportunities for the existing business, when we talk about a newline of business, a CIO is put at par with other CXOs and a level playing field is set and he can contribute equally to the business growth.

Experience Cell
Ever changing and emerging technologies are more an opportunity for CIOs rather than a threat. He should have the spread of knowledge in many technologies and deep in a few. So long a CIO has the skill set to adopt an appropriate technology effectively in a business; the job is done and adequate. Any technology to be successful for adoption in a business should or will come with the ecosystem of specialization.
Adaptability to Organizational Changes
The need for dynamic and flexible IT infrastructure can’t be understated in the current business environment. Hence the agile and flexible infrastructure is important. This will ensure lesser adoption of shadow IT, as CXOs will not wait for IT to support them. When it comes to infrastructure, CIOs should think beyond boundaries to include suppliers on one hand and customers, Government and other stakeholders on the other.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
A few decades back CIOs were confined to serve Payroll and Warehouses. Running systems for salary payment and upkeep of electronic books for material stores and warehouse were prime responsibilities of CIOs. Post ERP era, CIOs were answerable for Enterprise planning system, Manufacturing planning, Logistics, Quality, Accounting functions and so on. Analytics elevated CIOs to look beyond current business. Technologies like SMAC, IOT, AI, VR made them to be more business oriented. Hence it is natural that in any CIO budget, datacenter and compliance related investment will grow arithmetically but investment for business growth will geometrically grow.


I consider IoT as one of the best bets. Its helps in increasing productivity, improves quality by controlling process parameters and works to enhance compliance in environment, health and safety. Artificial Intelligence and Virtual reality are two other technologies that will be widely adopted to reap the right business benefits. VR can work profitably in product development area for simulating near normal practices, hasten testing time and reduce time to market.


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