Rakesh Vachher, Director IT - APAC Barco


Rakesh Vachher, Director IT - APAC Barco

Hybrid model – the best way of resource backfilling

Commitment as a Tech Head  
In the new world where technology is changing at a fast pace it’s important for a CIO to step up and take lead in the areas which can help augment business growth. It’s expected that CIO is going to provide leadership in not only enabling business but also in the acceleration of Business.

Experience Cell
There are challenges in terms of people’s skill towards newer technologies. In times of rapid changes where Digitalization is taking the center stage and business models are changing, new technologies are more compelling and security is a greater challenge, it’s difficult for any organization to keep the pace in terms of up skilling its resources. In my opinion best way forward is the hybrid model for resource back filling. Organization need to prioritize the core skills and train their internal resources for the same. Non-core skills should be outsourced.

 Key Priorities
 In our organization the IT priorities are more focused in the areas of Security and Digital Economy requirements. Standardization still is the key in terms of ERPs in various entities across the globe for our organization.

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
There are rapid changes in terms of products and business models. Also there are collaborations in term of merger & acquisitions happening in larger organization. CIO needs to ensure that the landscape is able to embrace the change and platforms are available to jump start the new initiatives. We are following a two tier model wherein tier one landscape is able to provide the stabilization for larger entities and tier two platform is able to provide the agility needed to embrace the change.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
Our agenda for 2018 is to focus more in the areas of Security and Digital Economy requirements. Standardization still is the key in terms of ERPs in various entities across the globe for our organization.


In our organization the IT priorities are more focused in the areas of Security and Digital Economy requirements. Standardization still is the key in terms of ERPs in various entities across the globe for our organization. Our agenda for 2018 is to focus more in the areas of Security and Digital Economy requirements. Standardization still is the key in terms of ERPs in various entities across the globe for our organization.


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