Vipin Kumar, Group CIO - Escorts


Vipin Kumar,  Group CIO - Escorts

‘CIOs need to look for new revenue streams with help of IT’

Commitment as a Tech Head

The role of a CIO has greatly evolved during the recent past, from being a technology provider to one partnering with business for strategy enablement. This has made the CIO extremely influential among the C- suite executives. With the imbibing of digital technologies by organizations for business benefit & growth, the CIO role has become extremely crucial. CIOs are required to demonstrate effective use cases of technology to create new revenue streams, reduce cost, increase efficiency and expand business reach much beyond the existing boundaries. CIOs who deliver on these business expectations will successfully create influential position among their C-Level business executives. 

Experience Cell
The CIO’s new evolved role of using emerging technologies like SMAC and IOT for business strategy enablement requires him to work very closely with business stakeholders. This requires a lot of people & soft skills like good communication, articulateness, managerial skills, team spirit and an effective leadership. We regularly conduct technology workshops, send the teams for specialized IT trainings & technology seminars and do lot of POCs to not only understand the technology involved but also its use cases for business benefit. We also involve key business stakeholders at an early stage so that they not only get exposed to emerging technologies but start exploring its effective use cases for their benefit. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
It is true that in today’s dynamic world, as organizations roll out their digital initiatives, there is a compelling need for creating scalable, secure, on demand and future ready IT backbone. We are seeing deployments of virtualized environments where instances can be quickly created and released to business. More organizations are using various variants of Cloud to manage scale and agility. The industry is using more of standardized cloud based solutions to manage the growing needs of business with minimum TAT. 


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