Deepak Kumar Panda, Head – IT - Century Plyboards


Deepak Kumar Panda, Head – IT - Century Plyboards

‘Knowledge on the digitization outcomes is utmost important in today’s age’ 

Commitment as a Tech Head 
The position of a CIO has been elevated from a service provider to a trusted business partner. Success of IT lies in understanding entire business process, working with LOBs closely for organisational/business growth and business strategies. Now IT plays a vital role in business transformation, thanks to the change in business models and the era of digital disruption. There was a time when ERP was the most shouted technology; however it became a commodity now and the priorities are diverted to emerging technologies. In the boardroom LOBs are eying towards a disruptive growth with the help of technology and CIOs are becoming more central to the boardroom and overall business strategy.  
The points we could consider whenever we think of bringing in changes by partnering with business are -
•    Deep understanding of business by listing to all C-Level executives and their targeted goal.
•    To become a trusted business partner, you need to articulate your aspiration for IT to become a part of the business success and to be ready with the value proposition for business growth.
•    Embrace emerging technology and start-ups coming up with innovative solutions and try to drive innovation within the organisation.
•    To infuse technology into business decision you should have the willingness to take the blame if business fails and IT should get fare chance to take the credit if business succeeds.
•    Be confident on the deliverables i.e. be honest and transparent on the deliverables of your proposed solution to avoid any disputes between business expectation and results. 

Experience Cell
To embrace emerging technologies, knowledge on the outcomes from digitisation is utmost important.  We may have adequate technical skill; however the way digital disruption is happening also bringing in a lot of challenges in implanting right people skills. We have to recognise the way start-ups are delivering technology to create an effective IT for business enablement. For all these needs we need to improve our people’s skillset by providing trainings on emerging technologies, need to partner with enterprises to bring specialised skills and to create an ecosystem wherein enterprises can learn, share and develop. 

 Key Priorities
Our target is to become the front runner in IT innovation to help business grow and to create a people friendly and customer centric digital platform. Our priorities will be definitely aligned to the business needs; however few notable priorities would be more collaboration between business, people and customers, mobile enabled processes and more automation. Security is a challenge which needs to be scaled up considering more threats in future. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
A dynamic and flexible IT system is a priority because of the disruption happening in the digital world, change in business models and strategies. To become future ready the IT system should be flexible enough to adapt to changes and should be planned considering the needs of extended enterprises. Information exchange between the enterprises is essential to build improved business models and for the growth plan of the organisation along with extended enterprises. 


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