Ashok Tiwari, Head - IT - India Operations, Varroc Lighting Systems


Ashok Tiwari, Head - IT - India Operations, Varroc Lighting Systems

‘Adapting to new technology is in our blood now’

Commitment as a Tech Head  
As head – IT, I would say, that flexibility is required to work with new business models. As we are always in touch with technologies and in touch with the market, we know what type of solutions we can provide for different challenges. We are also in a position to provide contribution for business strategies and deliver better result with easy and simple ways. In today’s scenario, IT Leaders are very much connected with business CEOs attending meetings, understanding the challenges and always working on solutions. We are working in an innovative style instead of traditional.

Experience Cell
Challenges are available everywhere, and I would say solutions are also available equally. So, It’s important for us to increase the knowledge base of our team; we have to motivate them to understand the subject deeply. We have to provide them the environment where they can do the practical and show them the way of understanding and the impact of change. If they know the final result will be highly appreciable and very good for future, I believe they will learn and do better. We as a leader, it’s our duty to enhance our team’s knowledge and help them to be tomorrows great leaders.

Key Priorities
My plan for my company is to enhance Automation, Digitization, IoT, Mobility implementation etc. We are working and gathering the information to also understand the gaps and potential improvement areas. 

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
We while working in a team re trying to ensure that the IT landscape remains dynamic and flexible. We are also training our team to understand the issue first, without delaying for the solution, checking the business challenges and analysing that. We ask the team to be flexible with the requester, listen to him, understand him and then provide a robust solution. Integration is part of process; designing and training and implementation are very basic things and need to be delivered as part of a solution. We also ask them to be ready for any transition. New technology adaptability is in our blood now.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
Our investment plans would centre around the current trends, innovation, improvement, ease of business work, and digitization. We are going to work upondigitization, IoT, and Mobility & Automation.


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