ARE you ready to #DeleteFacebook ???


ARE you ready to #DeleteFacebook ???

With Facebook’s stock value reportedly falling by 11% (Approx $36bn) since Monday 19th March 2018 as the company comes under  pressure from policymakers to explain how data collected from 50 million facebook users was exploited for political gain, Lynnette Luna Principal, Technology Analyst at GloblaData, a leading data and analytics company commented,‘Data privacy has always been bubbling under the surface as a concern for Facebook users.Trust is the lifeblood of Facebook’s business. If it loses that, it will lose more than its stock price in the long run.’



Summary :Is it true for Mr Modi, Mr Trump & Mr Putin according to Brexit ???


- Now Indian Congress also blaming Mr Modi who hired Cambridge Analytica data for its winning...???

- Then what for Russian President Mr.Vladimir Putin who won the electoral Recently..???? 


With the social media giant’s own end users, regulators and shareholders, already concerned about fake news and election hacking the company has work to do to ensure that trust in the organization is maintained.’ 


It was 2014 when Facebook bought WhatsApp for an amount of $19 billion with an increased net worth of $6.5 billion of the ultimate co-founder of the same chat application Mr.Brian Acton is now campaigning for #DeleteFacebook who left facebook on 2017 due to the issues over commoditisation of personal data.


It is time. #deletefacebook – Brian Acton, (@brianacton) March 20, 2018 - It was the last comment comes after the UK Firm Cambridge Analytica a right-leaning political consultancy and a data analytics firm, who got 50 million of user data acquired and misused the generic people from Facebook without their permission. 


Brian Acton  departure from WhatsApp came just when the latter was about to monetize the platform for the first time with the lunch of WhatsApp Business. According to reports, Acton was not on-board with Facebook wanting to monetize the app.


After leaving Facebook, Action recently invested $50 million in encrypted instant messaging app Signal. The app is known for providing encryptede communication services as it does not acess or store any of its user’s data. With the help of the funding, the company has lunched a non-profit organization called the ‘Signal Foundation’ to boost the next generation of open-source privacy technology. 


Many people have pointed out that Cambridge Analytica didn’t use Facebook’s data in an unusual way: it wanted to influence people. But even before the latest scandal hit, Facebook was caught up in a furor over propaganda that might have influenced the 2016 U.S. 

election, and growing disquiet over its deliberately addictive and arguably divisive nature.


Blind Baba who predicted 9-11, Brexit, rise of China & World War III, foretold Putin would rule the world is going to be true ???


Interestingly, besides the successful prediction of the 9-11 attack, Baba Vanga, born as Vangelia Pandeva in a village in Strumica, had also foretold Brexit a few decades ago. She had said that Europe would cease to exist in its then present form by 2016.  Quite close to her predicted time in future, Britain voted to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016.


At the Same time BlackBerry is suing Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp for violating patents related to its BlackBerry Messenger mobile app. BlackBerry goes on to accuse Facebook, as well as WhatsApp and Instagram (which Facebook owns) of co-opting its innovations, "using a number of the innovative security, user interface, and functionality enhancing features that made BlackBerry’s products such a critical and commercial success in the first place".


The complaint specifically mentions tagging people in photos, combining mobile gaming and messaging, use of cryptographic techniques for security, and status updates designed to optimize battery life.



BlackBerry claims ownership of many messaging features, including the use of numerals over icons to show the number of conversations  with unread messages.



In a statement, Blackberry said: "As a cybersecurity and embedded software leader, BlackBerry's view is that Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp could make great partners in our drive toward a securely connected future, and we continue to hold this door open to them."


An investigating report on Cambridge Analytica by Christopher Wylie whose role was in hijacking the profiles of millions of Facebook users in order to target the US electorate, found that  - its links to the Brexit Leave campaign in the UK and Team Trump in the US presidential election. The great British Brexit robbery: the democracy was hijacked which is a skein of threads that linked Brexit to Trump to Russia ....then to India ??? 


A shadowy global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Mr.Trump and the disparate forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum. As Britain heads to the polls again, is our electoral process still fit for purpose ???


The debate around data privacy and policies on the social network will continue. In the United Kingdom, where it has been shown that Cambridge Analytica helped the Pro-Brexit campaign, there are calls for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to come testify before them.


According to an Associated Press report, the chairman of the UK parliamentary media committee, Damian Collins, said Facebook officials “have been misleading to the committee.” The committee has now summoned Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify. “It is now time to hear from a senior Facebook executive with the sufficient authority to give an accurate account of this catastrophic failure of process. Given your commitment at the start of the New Year to ‘fixing’ Facebook, I hope that this representative will be you,” Collins wrote to Zuckerberg according to the news report.


Tech Support to #DeleteFaceBook :


If you want to delete your Facebook Account , you can do it  from


Before deleting your account, remember to download all your personal information from Facebook.


To download your facebook data archive, go to “Settings” and click “Download a copy of your Facebook data” at the bottom of General Account Settings, and then click “Start My Archive.”


After you’ve finished downloading your archive, you can now delete your account. Once you delete your account, it cannot be recovered.  So, do it after doing more analysis. Personally, currently I am not deleting my Facebook Account, because I am the developer of many Facebook apps used in our websites.   


Once you click “Delete My Account,” your account will be marked for termination, and inaccessible to others using Facebook. 


Facebook will delay deletion a few days after it's requested. A deletion request is cancelled if you log back into your Facebook account during this time.  It may take up to 90 days to delete data stored in backup systems. Your info isn't accessible on Facebook during this time.


Note that Instagram and WhatsApp are also owned by Facebook. So, if you are very much serious about quitting Facebook, you need to quit from Instagram and WhatsApp also.




Before #DeleteFacebook, #DeleteWhatsApp, #DeleteInstagram can freeze you for the following 


#Ability to connect to other people all over the world. 

#Easy and instant communication.

#Real-time news and information discovery. 

#Opportunities for business owners. 

#General fun and enjoyment for the youth mass

###Political stone palleting !!!.



As per a web Report The number of Facebook users in India stands at 241 million compared to the US’s 240 million. Active users in India are up 27% in the past six months alone (+50 million), compared to growth of 12% (+26 million) in the US over  the same period.Despite these strong gains, social media penetration in India remains relatively low, with just 19% of the country’s  total population using Facebook in Aug 2017. That compares to 73% penetration in the US, and a global average of around 42%.


It is worth noting that the numbers Facebook reports to advertisers can change on a daily basis though, and the platform even reported a slight dip in global user numbers just before it announced its two billion active user milestone.


Facebook’s gender imbalance in India is in stark contrast to its US audience, where 54% of the platform’s active users are women.


Facebook’s active users in India also skew young, with more than half of the country’s users below the age of 25.


How the above great British Brexit robbery is going to Impact Indian Cyber-Socialism via Cyber Network. ???


- Information overwhelm and @copy-write vandalism will increase and thus it will lead to @Paid-Storage


With so many people now on social media tweeting links and posting selfies and sharing YouTube videos, it sure can get pretty noisy. Becoming overwhelmed by too many Facebook friends to keep up with or too many Instagram photos to browse through isn't all that uncommon. Over time, we tend to rack up a lot of friends and followers, and that can lead to lots of bloated news feeds with too much content we're not all that interested in. To get read of the above scenario different parties may start @datastorage offer for thease non tech data and tech data.



- Privacy issues or Secured Channel @paid version (like http / https) : With so much sharing going on, issues over privacy will always be a big concern. Whether it's a question of social sites owning your content after it's posted, becoming a target after sharing your geographical location online, or even getting in trouble at work after tweeting something inappropriate – sharing too much with the public can open up all sorts of problems that sometimes can't ever be undone. The SSL activities  will increase and thus will lead to costing accumulation for secured channels and will be different(https) than non secured channels on http.



Social peer pressure and cyber bullying to @buy data. For people struggling to fit in with their peers – especially teens and young adults – the pressure to do certain things or act a certain way can be even worse on social media than it is at school or any other offline setting.


Lastly, it will be a havoc, since social networking is all done on some sort of computer or mobile device, it can sometimes promote too much sitting down in one spot for too long. Likewise, staring into the artificial light from a computer or phone screen at night can negatively affect your ability to get a proper night's sleep. 



Is it true for Mr Modi, Mr Trump & Mr. Putin according to Brexit ???


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