TEMA Complements Governmnet on 4G Procurement and Atma Nirbhar Bharat


TEMA Complements Governmnet on 4G Procurement and Atma Nirbhar Bharat

TEMA compliments the Govt. for support for domestic procurement of 4G Procurement, which is in line with our Hon’ble PM’s mission of Vocal or Local and Self Reliant and suggested to Department of Telecom as under.

TEMA suggest that BSNL immediately procure 4G equipments from open tenders and compulsorily reserve at least 20 or 30 % for domestic Companies Consortium, who can follow the route of proof of concept, initial deployment etc. That will allow 80 or 70 % of network to be deployed by BSNL immediately for 4G.

TEMA appreciates domestic manufacturing and at the same time TEMA feels it is our duty to ensure that BSNL‘s interest are not compromised. BSNL is lifeline of India and is of strategic interest for National Security matters. Govt. is committed for revival of BSNL, MTNL and has recently sanctioned revival package, which includes 4G spectrum. TEMA is keen that BSNL implements 4G in the fastest mode.

Domestic companies are putting consortium of domestic manufacturers to stitch together 4G equipments. CDOTITI, several local R&D firms are playing critical role in the consortium to achieve their goal of manufacturing and supplying 4G equipment.


TEMA feels that the proposed plan of Govt. to ask domestic consortium for proof of concept, followed by one circle deployment and then full scale implementation may delay implementation of 4G by BSNL at least by one or two years and that may not be in the interest of BSNL. All domestic manufacturers depend on BSNL/MTNL for supplies. Hence we need to consider of a approach, where BSNL implements 4G fast and we also promote domestic manufacturing.


DOT for many years had a policy to give trial/educational orders to new domestic manufacturers and that is how India today is fully self sufficient in manufacturing of Optical Fibre cables and other telecom Cables and some other telecom products. TEMA also request National security Interests may be kept in view and that domestic capabilities may be utilized even for 80 or 70 % procurement by way of:

i) Follow appropriate policy of Govt. to secure network and avoid procurement from unfriendly border Countries.

ii) All the bidders should follow PPP MII for various domestically available products/components as per list announced by DOT vide its order dated 29.8.2018 and to give 100% Telecom orders to PMI compliant vendors using PMI compliant equipment including 4G equipment, cables, GPoNs, Wi fi etc.

iii) While inviting bids from Indian consortium, care may be taken for eligibility criteria with regard to past experience etc.

iv) The Indian vendors should be those who have their Global HQs in India, are majority owned by Indians, are PMI complaint and use Indian owned technology and software with source code sharing with DOT.

v) Adequate delivery period may please be given to Indian bidders to avoid LD affecting total pricing of the order.

vi) All the bidders should adhere to technical parameters as decided by TEC and other Govt. designated technical bodies.

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