Delhi, UP Police used Facial Recognition to identify anti-CAA protestors


Delhi, UP Police used Facial Recognition to identify anti-CAA protestors

In a bid to identify the protestors demanding the rollback of India’s controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)police in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh used facial recognition technology to control the situation, which even turned violent in some places.


Police in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh - both hotbeds of dissent - have used the technology during protests that have raged since mid-December against the amended citizenship law that critics say marginalises Muslims.


According to a report in the newspaper, Delhi Police used facial recognition technology on recordings of the protests to identify protestors.


Although it said that police forces used facial recognition to identify many protestors, Deputy Commissioner of Police at Delhi’s Crime Records Office Rajan Bhagat said that the department is only using it to nab targets. “We don’t have any protestors’ data, nor do we plan to store it,” he was quoted as saying.

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