The future where robots will be in every home and workplace is not far away


The future where robots will be in every home and workplace is not far away

The future where robots will be in every home and workplace is not far away.


With recent developments in AI, we are seeing the advent of intelligent robots that can perform the tasks similar to that of human. Not to mention a rising demand globally for human-like robots that can perform tasks such as information assistance, delivery, surveillance and so forth.


Asimov Robotics has recently developed and launched its human- like service robot Sayabot. The form-factor, appearance and behavior of Sayabot are similar to human beings.


Sayabot is a versatile robot that can be customized to perform tasks in various sectors such as hospitality, retail, health care, education and banking.


With AI and a range of sensors collecting information of the environment, Sayabot is able to work along side human beings seamlessly.


In January this year, Sayabot was launched under the name of IRA (Intelligent Robot Assistant) for HDFC Bank. The robot is India’s first Banking Robot to be made completely in India.



Sayabot as a banking robot provides assistance to customers visiting the bank. Currently in the first phase rollout for HDFC bank, the robot performs tasks such as greeting the customers, provide information on the facilities available in the bank, and guiding the customers being escorting the customers to the various sections in the bank. Further to the first launch, HDFC bank has announced that it will rollout 20 more robots in the next two years.


After the first commercial pilot, there has been a great response for Sayabot. Currently Asimov Robotics is getting inquiries not only from the banking Russia, Japan, the Middle East and USA.


TO address to this overwhelming response, ASIMoV robotics is planning to manufacture 100 units as a batch of 20. The first batch will be rolled out by the end of this year.


By 2025, the service robotics market is expected to grow as big as USD 70 Billion. Currently in the international market, Sayabot has to compete only with few (which are commercially available) players, like Pepper Robot by Soft bank, Reem by PAL robotics etc. Even with the first prototype Sayabot excels its competitors in terms of its human like appearance and form factor.



After the launch of the banking use case, Sayabot has received tremendous appreciation from all parts of the world. The news has reached around two million people all over the world through print, online and social and social media.


ASIMoV robotics has received many national and international recognitions for it’s many years of effort in coming-up with a commercial service robotic platform including the prestigious “Frost & Sullivan GIL Award on domestic robotic development strategy.


ASIMoV robotics as team is committed to become one of the big names in the service robotics industry in coming years.


Jayakrishnan T
IEEE Member and CEO, ASIMOV Robotics

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